
Le Tracker Development ~

Welcome to the Developer Guide for Le Tracker!

This guide is intended to provide developers with an overview of the Le Tracker codebase, such as the design of the codebase and the implementation details of each feature as needed.

This guide also contains the requirements of Le Tracker to provide insights on the decision making process of the team and the goals of the application.

Before reading, it is recommended that developers read the User Guide first to gain an understanding of the features provided by Le Tracker.

:information_source: Le Tracker was developed with Java 11 and thus, it is recommended that developers use this version of Java.

Table of Contents


Setting up, getting started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.


:bulb: Tip: The .puml files used to create diagrams in this document can be found in the diagrams folder. Refer to the PlantUML Tutorial at se-edu/guides to learn how to create and edit diagrams.


The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App.

Given below is a quick overview of main components and how they interact with each other.

Main components of the architecture

Main has two classes called Main and MainApp. It is responsible for,

  • At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.
  • At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup methods where necessary.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components.

The rest of the App consists of four components.

  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

How the architecture components interact with each other

The Sequence Diagram below shows how the components interact with each other for the scenario where the user issues the command delete CS2040S.

Each of the four main components (also shown in the diagram above),

  • defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.
  • implements its functionality using a concrete {Component Name}Manager class (which follows the corresponding API interface mentioned in the previous point.

For example, the Logic component defines its API in the Logic.java interface and implements its functionality using the LogicManager.java class which follows the Logic interface. Other components interact with a given component through its interface rather than the concrete class (reason: to prevent outside component’s being coupled to the implementation of a component), as illustrated in the (partial) class diagram below.

The sections below give more details of each component.

UI component

The API of this component is specified in Ui.java

Structure of the UI Component

The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, ModuleListPanel, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class which captures the commonalities between classes that represent parts of the visible GUI.

The UI component uses the JavaFx UI framework. The layout of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • listens for changes to Model data so that the UI can be updated with the modified data.
  • keeps a reference to the Logic component, because the UI relies on the Logic to execute commands.
  • depends on some classes in the Model component, as it displays Module, Lecture, Video objects residing in the Model.

Logic component

API : Logic.java

Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Logic component:

How the Logic component works:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, several observers subscribe to the TrackerEventSystem.
  2. The command text is first pre-processed (e.g. NavigationInjector could modify the command text by inserting /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1).
  3. Logic then uses the TrackerParser class to parse the user command.
  4. This results in a Command object (more precisely, an object of one of its subclasses e.g., AddCommand) which is executed by the LogicManager.
  5. The command can communicate with the Model when it is executed (e.g. to add a module).
  6. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult.
  7. Based on the CommandResult, several systems such as Navigation are notified through the TrackerEventSystem.
  8. The CommandResult object is then returned back from Logic.

The Sequence Diagram below illustrates the interactions within the Logic component for the execute("add CS2040S") API call.

Interactions Inside the Logic Component for the `add CS2040S` Command

:information_source: Note: The lifeline for AddCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

Here are the other classes in Logic (omitted from the class diagram above) that are used for parsing a user command:

How the parsing works:

  • When called upon to parse a user command, the TrackerParser class creates an XYZCommandParser (XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command name e.g., AddCommandParser) which uses the other classes shown above to parse the user command and create a XYZCommand object (e.g., AddVideoCommand) which the TrackerParser returns back as a Command object.
  • All XYZCommandParser classes (e.g., AddCommandParser, NavCommandParser, …) inherit from the Parser interface so that they can be treated similarly where possible e.g, during testing.

API: Navigation.java

Here’s a (partial) class diagram of the Navigation component:

** This class diagram omits some classes and dependencies in the Navigation component for the purpose of simplicity.

What the Navigation component does:

  • Tracking the current working context.
  • Tracking navigation through the hierarchy.
  • Enforcing valid navigation between adjacent layers in the module-lecture-video hierarchy.

What the Navigation component is NOT RESPONSIBLE for:

  • Ensuring that modules or lectures exist in the Model component.
    • This avoids circular dependency as the Model component already depends on the Navigation component.
    • This enforces the single responsibility principle as the Navigation component does not need to verify the existence of actual module or lecture data in the Tracker system.

For more information on the Navigation system and how to develop context-sensitive commands that work with the Navigation system, please refer the navigation feature.

Model component

API : Model.java

** This class diagram omits some classes and dependencies in the Model component for the purpose of simplicity (classes excluded include ModuleCode, ModuleName, LectureName, VideoName, Tag and other classes)

The Model component,

  • stores the tracker data i.e., all Module objects which are contained in a UniqueModuleList object, along with the Lecture objects contained in the UniqueLectureList objects of said Module objects, as well as the Video objects contained in the UniqueVideoList objects of said Lecture objects.
  • stores the currently ‘selected’ Module objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filteredModules list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Module> that can be ‘observed’ e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores the currently ‘selected’ Lecture objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filteredLectures list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Lecture> that can be ‘observed’ e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores the currently ‘selected’ Video objects (e.g., results of a search query) as a separate filteredVideos list which is exposed to outsiders as an unmodifiable ObservableList<Video> that can be ‘observed’ e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.
  • stores the navigation component which tracks the current working context.
  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences. This is exposed to the outside as a ReadOnlyUserPref objects.
  • does not depend on any of the other three components (as the Model represents data entities of the domain, they should make sense on their own without depending on other components).

Storage component

API : Storage.java

The Storage component,

  • can save both tracker data and user preference data in json format, and read them back into corresponding objects.
  • inherits from both TrackerStorage and UserPrefStorage, which means it can be treated as either one (if only the functionality of only one is needed).
  • depends on some classes in the Model component (because the Storage component’s job is to save/retrieve objects that belong to the Model).

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.addressbook.commons package.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

The navigation system was designed to eliminate the need for users to repeat the same /mod /lec arguments for multiple commands. This is based on the observation that users often make multiple commands from the same context (i.e. tracking a specific module or lecture).

How the navigation system works

Similar to the cd command which changes the current working directory in Unix-based systems, the navigation commands (i.e. nav, navb) allows the user to navigate through the module-lecture-video hierarchy to a specified module or lecture. Once the user has navigated to a context, they do not need to include the /mod or /lec arguments for commands related to the current context.

Instead, the navigation system will inject /mod or /lec arguments into the user’s command based on the current working context. Hence, context-sensitive commands will be able to infer the specified module or lecture from these arguments without being directly coupled to the navigation system.

Here’s a (partial) class diagram for the NavigationInjector component.


How NavigationInjector injects the correct arguments into the command based on the current working context:

  1. When Logic is called upon to execute a command, the command text string is first passed to the Injector object via its inject(String, Model) method.

  2. The NavigationInjector implementation of Injector then obtains the NavigationContext object which represents the current working context by communicating with the Model.

  3. The NavigationInjector then injects the appropriate /mod and /lec arguments that represent the current working context into the command text string based on the arguments obtained from the NavigationContext object.

  4. The modified command text string is then returned back from NavigationInjector to Logic.

Usage scenario

Given below is an example usage scenario and how the navigation system behaves at each step.


  1. The user launches the application. The Navigation system is initialized with a root context as the current working context.

  2. The user wants to navigate to the module CS2040S and executes the nav CS2040S command. The following sequence diagram depicts nav CS2040S’s execution: FindActivityDiagram

  3. The user wants to navigate to the lecture Week 1 in the CS2040S context and executes the nav Week 1 command.

Designing context-sensitive commands

We want to reduce the need for similar sounding command names such as add-module, add-lecture, add-video which all involve the “adding” operation. Hence, these context-sensitive commands share a single command name such as add. To determine whether a module, lecture or video is being processed for a given command, we instead parse the context-specifying arguments such as /mod, /lec to instantiate the context specific command.

Hence, we define a common format for context-sensitive commands:

command [/mod {module_code}] [/lec {lecture_name}]

Parsing context-specifying arguments to determine context:

Has /mod argument Has /lec argument Context Context Specific Command
No No Root Context XYZModuleCommand
Yes No Module Context XYZLectureCommand
Yes Yes Lecture Context XYZVideoCommand

If you are confused about why there appears to be a mismatch between Context and Context Specific Command (i.e. Module Context -> XYZLectureCommand), remember that a context specific command does NOT manipulate the context itself but the objects that are contained under that context (i.e. modules contain lectures).

Implementing your context-sensitive command based on this format will ensure seamless integration with the navigation system.

For concrete examples on how to implement a context-sensitive command, you can refer to the add command or edit command.

List module, lecture and video feature

The list command supports:

  • Listing modules in the tracker
  • Listing lectures in a module in the tracker
  • Listing videos in a lecture which belongs to a module in the tracker

It’s behaviour is dependent on the arguments provided by the user.

The feature utilizes the following classes/variable:

  • ListCommandParser – Creates the appropriate ListCommand subclass object base on the user’s input
  • ListCommand – Base class of any Command subclass that list some entity in the tracker
  • PREDICATE_SHOW_ALL_MODULES – Constant Predicate with type ReadOnlyModule that list all modules
  • LecturePredicate – Class that implements Predicate interface with type ReadOnlyLecture
  • VideoPredicate – Class that implements Predicate interface with type Video

The following sequence diagram depicts a list command execution for listing lectures in a module in the tracker.


The following is a description of the code execution flow:

  1. ListCommandParser#parse(String) takes the user’s input as an argument and determines the intent of the command as well as the appropriate subclass of ListCommand to create an object for. The following table describes how the intent is determined base on the arguments provided in the user’s input. Any combination of inputs that do not comply with the combination of arguments specified in the table is considered an error and will result in a ParseException being thrown and the command will not be executed.

    In Root Context:

    Has /mod argument Has /lec argument Intent Predicate tested
    Yes No List lectures LecturePredicate
    Yes Yes List videos VideoPredicate

    In Module Context:

    Has /mod argument Has /lec argument Intent Predicate tested
    No No List lectures LecturePredicate
    Yes No List lectures LecturePredicate
    No Yes List videos VideoPredicate
    Yes Yes List videos VideoPredicate

    In Lecture Context:

    Has /mod argument Has /lec argument Intent Predicate tested
    Yes No List lectures LecturePredicate
    No Yes/No List videos VideoPredicate
    Yes Yes List videos VideoPredicate

    In All Context:

    Has /r argument Intent Predicate tested
  2. The argument values are then checked for their validity by using the appropriate methods in ParserUtil. If any of the values are invalid, a ParserException will be thrown and the command will not be executed.

  3. The appropriate ListCommand subclass object is created and then returned to the caller.

  4. LogicManager calls the Command#execute(Model) method of the Command object returned by ListCommandParser#parse(String). During execution of the command, a CommandException can be thrown for the following scenarios:

    • The Module which Lectures are to be listed does not exist
    • The Lecture which Videos are to be listed does not exist
  5. Note that extra arguments are ignored.

    • list /r foo or list bar /r :arrow_right: list /r
    • list bar /mod CS2040S :arrow_right: list /mod CS2040S
  6. If no errors occur (no exceptions are thrown), the command succeeds in listing the modules/lectures/videos.

Find module, lecture and video feature

The find command supports:

  • Finding a module in the tracker
    1. By module code and name
    2. By module tags
  • Finding a lecture in a module in the tracker
    1. By lecture name
    2. By lecture tags
  • Finding a video in a lecture which belongs to a module in the tracker
    1. By video name
    2. By video tags

It’s behaviour is dependent on the arguments provided by the user.

The feature utilizes the following classes:

  • FindCommandParser – Creates the appropriate FindCommand subclass object base on the user’s input
  • FindCommand – Base class of any Command subclass that finds some entity in the tracker
  • ModuleContainsKeywordsPredicate – Class that implements Predicate interface with type ReadOnlyModule
  • ModuleTagContainsKeywordsPredicate – Class that implements Predicate interface with type ReadOnlyModule
  • LectureNameContainsKeywordsPredicate – Class that implements Predicate interface with type ReadOnlyLecture
  • LectureTagContainsKeywordsPredicate – Class that implements Predicate interface with type ReadOnlyLecture
  • VideoNameContainsKeywordsPredicate – Class that implements Predicate interface with type Video
  • VideoTagContainsKeywordsPredicate – Class that implements Predicate interface with type Video

The following sequence diagram depicts a find command execution for finding a module in the tracker.


Below is an activity diagram that showcase the event that occurs when find command is executed.


The following is a description of the code execution flow:

  1. FindCommandParser#parse(String) takes the user’s input as an argument and determines the intent of the command as well as the appropriate subclass of FindCommand to create an object for. The following table describes how the intent is determined base on the arguments provided in the user’s input. Any combination of inputs that do not comply with the combination of arguments specified in the table is considered an error and will result in a ParseException being thrown and the command will not be executed.

    In Root Context:

    Has preamble Has /mod argument Has /lec argument Has /byTag argument Intent Predicate tested
    Yes No No No Find module ModuleContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes No No Yes Find module ModuleTagContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes No No Find lecture LectureNameContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes No Yes Find lecture LectureTagContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes Yes No Find video VideoNameContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes No Yes Find video VideoTagContainsKeywordsPredicate

    In Module Context:

    Has preamble Has /mod argument Has /lec argument Has /byTag argument Intent Predicate tested
    Yes Yes/No No No Find lecture LectureNameContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes/No No Yes Find lecture LectureTagContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes/No Yes No Find video VideoNameContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes/No Yes Yes Find video VideoTagContainsKeywordsPredicate

    In Lecture Context:

    Has preamble Has /mod argument Has /lec argument Has /byTag argument Intent Predicate tested
    Yes Yes No No Find lecture LectureNameContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes No Yes Find lecture LectureTagContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes No No No Find video VideoNameContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes Yes No Find video VideoNameContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes No No Yes Find video VideoTagContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes Yes Yes Find video VideoTagContainsKeywordsPredicate

    In All Context:

    Has preamble Has /r argument Has /byTag argument Intent Predicate tested
    Yes Yes No Find module ModuleContainsKeywordsPredicate
    Yes Yes Yes Find module ModuleTagContainsKeywordsPredicate
  2. The argument values are then checked for their validity by using the appropriate methods in ParserUtil. If any of the values are invalid, a ParserException will be thrown and the command will not be executed.

  3. The appropriate FindCommand subclass object is created and then returned to the caller.

  4. LogicManager calls the Command#execute(Model) method of the Command object returned by FindCommandParser#parse(String). During execution of the command, a CommandException can be thrown for the following scenarios:

    • The Module specified by user does not exist when listing Lectures
    • The Lecture of a Module or the Module specified by user does not exist when listing Videos
  5. If no errors occur (no exceptions are thrown), the command succeeds in finding the module/lecture/video associated to the keyword.

Add module, lecture, and video feature

The add command supports:

  • Adding a Module object to the Tracker object contained in the ModelManager object
  • Adding a Lecture object to a Module object contained in the Tracker object
  • Adding a Video object to a Lecture object contained in a Module object that is contained in the Tracker object

It’s behaviour is dependent on the user’s input.

Notable Classes

  • AddCommandParser – Creates the appropriate AddCommand subclass object base on the user’s input
  • AddCommand – Base class of any Command subclass that handles adding some entity to the Tracker object
  • AddModuleCommand – Subclass of AddCommand which handles adding a Module object to the Tracker object
  • AddLectureCommand – Subclass of AddCommand which handles adding a Lecture object to a Module object
  • AddVideoCommand – Subclass of AddCommand which handles adding a Video object to a Lecture object


The following sequence diagram depicts an add command execution for adding a Module object to the Tracker object.

Notes for AddCommandParser#parse(String)

  • The string passed in contains the arguments in the user’s input and is use to determine the intent of the command as well as the appropriate subclass of AddCommand to create an object for. The following table describes how the intent is determined base on the arguments provided in the user’s input. Any combination of arguments not described in the table will result in a ParseException object being thrown and the command will not be executed.

    Has preamble Has /mod argument Has /lec argument Intent AddCommand subclass
    Yes No No Add Module object AddModuleCommand
    Yes Yes No Add Lecture object AddLectureCommand
    Yes Yes Yes Add Video object AddVideoCommand
  • The argument values are checked for their validity by using the appropriate methods in the ParserUtil class. If any of the values are invalid, a ParserException object will be thrown and the command will not be executed.

Notes for AddCommand#execute()

  • A CommandException object can be thrown for the following scenarios:
    • The Module/Lecture/Video object is the same as another existing Module/Lecture/Video object according to Module#isSameModule(Module)/Lecture#isSameLecture(Lecture)/Video#isSameVideo(Video).
    • The Module object which a Lecture object is being added to does not exist.
    • The Module object which a Lecture object is specified to be in does not exist.
    • The Lecture object which a Video object is being added to does not exist.

Edit module, lecture, and video feature

The edit command supports:

  • Editing the details of a Module object in the Tracker object contained in the ModelManager object
  • Editing the details of a Lecture object belonging to a Module object contained in the Tracker object
  • Editing the details of a Video object belonging to a Lecture object contained in a Module object that is contained in the Tracker object

It’s behaviour is dependent on the user’s input.

Notable Classes

  • EditCommandParser – Creates the appropriate EditCommand subclass object base on the user’s input
  • EditCommand – Base class of any Command subclass that handles editing some entity of the Tracker object
  • EditModuleCommand – Subclass of EditCommand which handles editing the details of a Module object belonging to the Tracker object
  • EditLectureCommand – Subclass of EditCommand which handles editing the details of a Lecture object belonging to a Module object
  • EditVideoCommand – Subclass of EditCommand which handles editing the details of a Video object belonging to a Lecture object


The following sequence diagram depicts an edit command execution for editing the name of a Module object in the Tracker object.

Notes for EditCommandParser#parse(String)

  • The string passed in contains the arguments in the user’s input and is use to determine the intent of the command as well as the appropriate subclass of EditCommand to create an object for. The following table describes how the intent is determined base on the arguments provided in the user’s input. Any combination of arguments not described in the table will result in a ParseException object being thrown and the command will not be executed.

    Has preamble Has /mod argument Has /lec argument Intent EditCommand subclass
    Yes No No Edit Module object EditModuleCommand
    Yes Yes No Edit Lecture object EditLectureCommand
    Yes Yes Yes Edit Video object EditVideoCommand
  • The argument values are checked for their validity by using the appropriate methods in the ParserUtil class. If any of the values are invalid, a ParserException object will be thrown and the command will not be executed.

  • If no arguments related to updated fields are provided, a ParseException object will be thrown and the command will not be executed.

Notes for EditCommand#execute()

  • A CommandException object can be thrown for the following scenarios:
    • The edited Module/Lecture/Video object is the same as another Module/Lecture/Video object according to Module#isSameModule(Module)/Lecture#isSameLecture(Lecture)/Video#isSameVideo(Video).
    • The Module object which a Lecture object is specified to be in does not exist.
    • The Lecture object which a Video object is specified to be in does not exist.

Delete module, lecture, and video feature

The delete command supports:

  • Deleting a single specified module.
  • Deleting a single specified lecture under a specified module context.
  • Deleting a single specified video under a specified module and specified lecture context.
  • Deleting multiple specified modules / lectures / videos under the respective specified contexts mentioned in the above points.
    • E.g.: User wishes to delete a module CS2040S.
      Executing delete CS2040S would allow the user to do so, unless the module does not exist, in which case, Le Tracker will throw an error.
    • E.g.: User wishes to delete multiple modules CS2107, ST2334 AND CS3230
      Executing delete CS2107, ST2334, CS3230 will allow the user to do so. If either module does not exist, nothing is deleted and Le Tracker will throw an error.

This feature’s behaviour is dependent on the arguments provided by the user, as well as by the state of Le Tracker.

Implementation Details

The feature utilizes the following classes:

  • DeleteCommandParser: parses the arguments appropriately for the appropriate DeleteCommand to be returned to be executed
  • DeleteCommand: Abstract class extending from Commands for commands that delete a specified entity from the tracker
  • DeleteModuleCommand: Subclass of DeleteCommand which handles the deletion a module from the tracker
  • DeleteLectureCommand: Subclass of DeleteCommand which handles the deletion a lecture from a module in the tracker
  • DeleteVideoCommand: Subclass of DeleteCommand which handles the deletion a video from a lecture from a module in the tracker.
  • DeleteMultipleModulesCommand: Subclass of DeleteCommand which handles the deletion of multiple modules from the tracker
  • DeleteMultipleLecturesCommand: Subclass of DeleteCommand which handles the deletion of multiple lectures from the same module in the tracker
  • DeleteMultipleVideosCommand: Subclass of DeleteCommand which handles the deletion of multiple videos from the same lecture in the same module in the tracker.
  • MultipleEventsParser: Interface that parses string for commands that can be executed on multiple objects at once

The following diagram shows the Class Diagram of the DeleteCommand hierarchy:


The following diagram shows the Sequence Diagram of parsing a delete command into a DeleteMultipleModulesCommand:


The following diagram shows the Sequence Diagram of the execution of a DeleteMultipleModulesCommand, which acts as a continuation of the above diagram:


The following is a description of the code execution flow

  1. DeleteCommandParser#parse(String) takes the user’s input as a String argument and determines the intention of the command (delete module, lecture or video). The following table below depicts the consideration of inputs against the user’s argument:

    Has Preamble has /mod argument has /lec argument Intent
    Yes No No Delete Module
    Yes Yes No Delete Lecture
    Yes Yes Yes Delete Video
  2. The argument values are then checked on as such:

    • ModuleCode: valid mod code that begins with capital letters, followed by numbers. could optionally end with capital letters at the end
    • LectureName: valid lecture name that does not contain symbols
    • VideoName: valid video name that does not contain symbols

    Note: ModuleCode, LectureName and VideoName should not contain commas (“,”). Rather than throwing as errors, Le Tracker will treat it as though the user intended to delete multiple entities

  3. The appropriate DeleteCommand subclass object is created then returned to its caller.

  • DeleteModuleCommand: single module to be deleted
  • DeleteMultipleModulesCommand: more than one module to be deleted
  • DeleteLectureCommand: single lecture to be deleted
  • DeleteMultipleLecturesCommand: more than one lecture to be deleted
  • DeleteVideoCommand: single video to be deleted
  • DeleteMultipleVideosCommand: more than one video to be deleted
  1. If no exceptions are thrown, Le Tracker has successfully managed to delete the specified module(s)/lecture(s)/video(s) the respective context.
    Possible exceptions that could be thrown are:
    • Command contains duplicate entities to be deleted
    • Invalid format for any entity
    • Entity does not exist in respective context
  2. If DeleteMultipleModulesCommand, DeleteMultipleLecturesCommand or DeleteMultipleVideosCommand is parsed, on execution, the command calls DeleteModuleCommand, DeleteLectureCommand or DeleteVideoCommand respectively

Reasons for such implementation

  1. Adhering to Open-Close Principle: Open for Extension, Closed for Modification.
  2. Having abstract classes to group multiple commands together allows for adherence of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) in cases such as DeleteCommand.COMMAND_WORD in every class

Alternatives considered

  1. Combine all featured classes into one large single class
    • Pros:
      • all file content in one single place
      • easily adheres to DRY since there would be no need to repeat information across multiple files
    • Cons:
      • violates Open-Close Principle
      • creates a large file that needs to be edited. Hard to search through

Possible further implementation

  • encapsulate conditional checks in each delete command execution
  • capture the essence of DeleteMultipleModulesCommand in DeleteModuleCommand
  • capture the essence of DeleteMultipleLecturesCommand in DeleteLectureCommand
  • capture the essence of DeleteMultipleVideosCommand in DeleteVideoCommand

Mark / UnMark video feature

The mark command supports:

  • Marking unmarked videos as watched
  • Marking marked videos as unwatched
  • Marking multiple videos in 1. and 2.
    • E.g.: User wishes to mark multiple videos “Vid 1, Vid 2” in lecture “Week 1” of module “CS2040S” as watched.
      Executing mark Vid 1, Vid 2 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 would allow the user to do so, unless either one of the following conditions are true:
      1. the module (CS2040S) does not exist in the Tracker
      2. the lecture (Week 1) does not exist in the module (CS2040S)
      3. either of the videos (Vid 1, Vid 2) does not exist in the lecture of the module (CS2040S > Week 1)
      4. either of the videos (Vid 1, Vid 2) has already been marked as watched
    • E.g.: User wishes to mark multiple videos “Vid 3”, “Vid 4” and “Lecture Summary” in lecture “Topic 4” of module “ST2334” as unwatched.
      Executing unmark Vid 3, Vid 4, Lecture Summary /mod ST2334 /lec Topic 1 would allow the user to do so, unless either one of the following conditions are true:
      1. the module (ST2334) does not exist in the Tracker
      2. the lecture (Topic 1) does not exist in the module (ST2334)
      3. either of the videos (Vid 3, Vid 4, Lecture Summary) does not exist in the lecture of the module (ST2334 > Topic 1)
    • E.g.: User wishes to mark a single video “Vid 1” in lecture “Topic 4” of module “ST2334” as unwatched.
      Executing unmark Vid 1 /mod ST2334 /lec Topic 4 would allow the user to do so, unless either one of the following conditions are true:
      1. the module (ST2334) does not exist in the Tracker
      2. the lecture (Topic 4) does not exist in the module (ST2334)
      3. the video (Vid 1) is already unmarked
      4. the video (Vid 1) does not exist in the lecture of the module (ST2334 > Topic 4)

This feature’s behaviour is dependent on the arguments provided by the user, as well as the state of Le Tracker.

Note the difference between mark multiple and unmark multiple. As of current implementation, unmark multiple does not alert the user if video was already unmarked. However, unmark a single video does.

Implementation Details

The feature utilizes the following classes:

  • MarkCommand: Abstract class extending from Command for commands that mark a specified video as watched or unwatched
  • MarkAsWatchedCommandParser: parses arguments appropriately for MarkAsWatchedCommand to be returned to be executed
  • MarkAsWatchedCommand: Subclass of MarkCommand which handles marking a video as watched. Can handle marking multiple videos as well
  • MarkAsUnwatchedCommandParser: parses arguments appropriately for MarkAsUnwatchedCommand and MarkMultipleAsUnwatchedCommand to be returned to be executed
  • MarkAsUnwatchedCommand: Subclass of MarkCommand which handles marking a video as unwatched
  • MarkMultipleAsUnwatchedCommand: Subclass of MarkCommand which handles marking multiple videos as unwatched
  • MultipleEventsParser: Interface that parses string for commands that can be executed on multiple objects at once

The following diagram shows the Sequence Diagram of parsing a mark command into a MarkAsWatchedCommand:


The following diagram shows the Sequence Diagram of executing a MarkAsWatchedCommand, which adds on to the sequence diagram above:


As a comparison to the diagram above, the following diagram shows the Sequence Diagram of executing a MarkMultipleAsUnwatchedCommand:


The following is a description of the code execution flow:

  1. MarkAsWatchedCommandParser#parse(String) / MarkAsUnwatchedCommandParser#parse(String takes the user’s input as a String argument and determines the target video to be marked. The following table below depicts the command returned against the user’s intent

    Parser Has Multiple Videos Command
    MarkAsWatchedCommandParser Yes / No MarkAsWatchedCommand
    MarkAsUnwatchedCommandParser Yes MarkAsUnwatchedCommand
    MarkAsUnwatchedCommandParser No MarkMultipleAsUnwatchedCommand
  2. The argument values are then checked on as such:

    • ModuleCode: valid module code that complies with the module code format
    • LectureName: valid lecture name that does not contain symbols
    • VideoName: valid lecture name that does not contain symbols

    Note: VideoName should not contain commas (“,”). Rather than throwing errors, Le Tracker will treat it as though the user intended to delete multiple videos

  3. The appropriate MarkCommand subclass object is created then returned to its caller

  4. Upon execution, the argument values in the MarkCommand subclass object are then checked on as such:

    • ModuleCode: if module with ModuleCode exists in Le Tracker
    • LectureName: if lecture with LectureName exists in module ModuleCode
    • VideoName: if video(s) with VideoName exists in lecture LectureName of module ModuleCode and whether there are duplicates specified
      • For mark, the videos of the specified VideoName(s) are checked on whether they are marked as watched
      • For unmark and a single VideoName is specified, VideoName is checked on whether it is marked as unwatched
      • For unmark and multiple VideoNames are specified, VideoNames are not checked on whether they are marked as unwatched (unlike its counterparts)
  5. If no exceptions are thrown, Le Tracker has successfully managed to mark/unmark the specified video(s)

Reasons for such implementation

  1. Adhering to Open-Close Principle: Open for Extension, Closed for Modification
  2. Having abstract classes to group mark commands together allows for adherence of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) in cases such as success message formats in every class

Alternatives considered

  1. Combine all featured classes into one large single class Pros:
    • all file content in one single place
    • easily adheres to DRY since there would be no need to repeat information across multiple files Cons:
    • violates Open-Close Principle
    • creates a large file that needs to be edited. Hard to search through

Possible further implementation

  • Update command result of MarkMultipleAsUnwatchedCommand to catch when this command is called when the videos are already marked as unwatched, similar to MarkAsUnwatchedCommand and MarkAsWatchedCommand
  • Collate MarkAsUnwatchedCommand and MarkMultipleAsUnwatchedCommand into one class, similar to MarkAsWatchedCommand

Tag module, lecture, and video feature

The tag command supports:

  • Adding multiple Tag objects to a Module object in a Tracker object contained in the ModelManager object
  • Adding multiple Tag objects to a Lecture object of a Module object contained in a Tracker object
  • Adding multiple Tag objects to a Video object of a Lecture object contained in a Module object in a Tracker object

The tag behaviour is dependent on the arguments provided by the user. Module objects, Lecture objects, and Video objects can have multiple, unique Tag objects. If a command contains new tags and tags that were already added to Module objects, Lecture objects, or Video objects, only the new tags will be added.

Notable Classes

The feature utilizes the following classes:

  • TagCommandParser – Creates the appropriate TagCommand object based on the user’s input
  • TagCommand – Handles adding Tag objects to a Module/Lecture/Video object based on the user’s input


The following sequence diagram depicts a tag command execution for adding a Tag object to a Module object in a Tracker object.


The following is a description of the code execution flow:

  1. TagCommandParser#parse() takes in the user input and determine whether the user wanted to tag a module, a lecture, or a video based on the appropriate prefixes included in the user’s input.
  2. The user input is then checked to determine whether it contains the required prefixes according to the table below. Any combination of inputs that do not satisfy the command’s required prefixes will be considered an error. A ParseException will be thrown, and the command will not be executed.

    Intent has /mod prefix has /lec prefix has /tags prefix
    Tag Module No No Yes
    Tag Lecture Yes No Yes
    Tag Video Yes Yes Yes
  3. A set of Tag objects to add is then determined from the user’s input. Afterwards, The command creates an appropriate TagCommand object and returns it to the caller.
  4. LogicManager calls the Command#execute() method of the TagCommand object returned by TagCommandParser#parse(). During the execution, a CommandException will be thrown if no tags were provided, or if the tracker doesn’t contain the specified Module object, Lecture object, or Video object.
  5. If no exceptions are thrown, the command succeeds in adding Tag objects to the Module object, Lecture object, or Video object.

Notes for TagCommandParser#parse()

  • A ParseException will be thrown if the appropriate prefixes according to the above table aren’t included.

Notes for TagCommand#execute()

  • A CommandException will be thrown for the following scenarios:
    • The user did not specify any tags to add.
    • The current Tracker object does not contain the specified Module/Lecture/Video object.

Untag module, lecture, and video feature

The untag command supports:

  • Removing multiple Tag objects from a Module object in a Tracker object that is contained in a ModelManager object
  • Removing multiple Tag objects from a Lecture object of a Module object in a Tracker object
  • Removing multiple Tag objects from a Video object of a Lecture object which belongs to a Module object in a Tracker object

The untag behaviour is dependent on the arguments provided by the user. Multiple Tag objects can be deleted in a single command. If a command contains non-existent tags and tags that were already added to modules, lectures, or videos, a CommandException will be thrown. Duplicated tags in the command, if any, will be ignored.

Notable Classes

The feature utilizes the following classes:

  • UntagCommandParser – Creates the appropriate UntagCommand object based on the user’s input
  • UntagCommand – Handles removing Tag objects from a Module/Lecture/Video object based on the user’s input


The following sequence diagram depicts an untag command execution for removing a Tag object from a Module object in a Tracker object.


The following is a description of the code execution flow:

  1. UntagCommandParser#parse() takes in the user input and determine whether the user wants to remove Tag objects a Module, Lecture, or Video object based on the appropriate prefixes included in the user’s input.
  2. The user input is then checked to determine whether it contains the required prefixes according to the table below. Any combination of inputs that do not satisfy the command’s required prefixes will be considered an error.

    Intent has /mod prefix has /lec prefix has /tags prefix
    Untag Module No No Yes
    Untag Lecture Yes No Yes
    Untag Video Yes Yes Yes
  3. A set of Tag objects to remove is then determined from the user’s input. Afterwards, the command creates an appropriate UntagCommand object and returns it to the caller.
  4. LogicManager calls the Command#execute() method of the UntagCommand object returned by UntagCommandParser#parse().
  5. If no exceptions are thrown, the command succeeds in removing the Tag objects from the Module/Lecture/Video object.

Notes for UntagCommandParser#parse()

  • A ParseException will be thrown if the appropriate prefixes according to the above table aren’t included.

Notes for UntagCommand#execute()

  • A CommandException will be thrown for the following scenarios:
    • The user did not specify any tags to remove.
    • The current Tracker object does not contain the specified Module/Lecture/Video object.
    • The specified tags do not correspond with existing Tag objects in the Module/Lecture/Video object.

Exporting data feature

The export command supports:

  • Saving a Tracker object and the Module, Lecture, and Video objects it contains to a new file path, in a JSON format file
  • Saving a Tracker object and the Module, Lecture, and Video objects it contains to an existing file path, in a JSON format file, overwriting its content

The export behaviour is dependent on the arguments provided by the user.

Notable Classes

The feature utilizes the following classes:

  • ExportCommandParser – Creates the appropriate ExportCommand object based on the user’s input
  • ExportCommand – Creates the appropriate CommandResult object containing the file path for export
  • Archive – Handles saving the Tracker object and the Module, Lecture, and Video objects it contains to the specified file path in CommandResult


The following sequence diagram depicts a export command execution for exporting a Tracker object to a specified file path


The following is a description of the code execution flow:

  1. ExportCommandParser#parse() takes in the user input and determine the file path that the user wants to export to, as well as whether the user wants to overwrite the data in the file path, if it exists, based on the /overwrite flag.
  2. The command creates an appropriate ExportCommand object and returns it to the caller.
  3. LogicManager calls the Command#execute() method of the ExportCommand. An appropriate CommandResult object containing a Path object with the saving file path is then returned to the caller.
  4. LogicManager calls the Archive#exportToArchive() method.
  5. If no exceptions are thrown, the command succeeds in saving the Tracker object and the Module, Lecture, and Video objects it contains to the specified file path.

Notes for ExportCommandParser#parse()

  • A ParseException will be thrown if the saving file path is not specified in user’s input.

Notes for ExportCommand#execute()

  • A CommandException will be thrown if the specified file path is invalid.

Notes for Archive#exportToArchive()

  • A CommandException will be thrown for the following scenarios:
    • The file at the specified file path does not have write permission.
    • The user is trying to export to the current working tracker path.
    • The user is trying to export to an existing file without the /overwrite flag.

Import archived data feature

The import command supports:

  • Importing all Module objects from a valid Le Tracker data file into the current Tracker object
  • Importing all Module objects from a valid Le Tracker data file into the current Tracker object, overwriting current Module objects with imported Module objects if these modules exist in the current Tracker object
  • Importing specific Module objects from a valid Le Tracker data file into the current Tracker object
  • Importing specific Module objects from a valid Le Tracker data file into the current Tracker object, overwriting current Module objects with imported Module objects if these modules exist in the current Tracker object

The import behaviour is dependent on the arguments provided by the user.

Notable Classes

The feature utilizes the following classes:

  • ImportCommandParser - Creates the appropriate ImportCommand object based on the user’s input
  • ImportCommand - Creates the appropriate CommandResult object containing the file path for import and the set of ModuleCode objects that references the Module objects to import
  • Archive - Handles importing Module objects from the file path in CommandResult to the current Tracker object


The following sequence diagram depicts a import command execution for importing a single module from a specified file path to the current Tracker object



The following is a description of the code execution flow:

  1. ImportCommandParser#parse() takes in the user input and determine the file path that the user wants to import from, as well as whether the user wants to overwrite the data in the file path, if it exists, based on the /overwrite flag.
  2. The command creates an appropriate ImportCommand object and returns it to the caller.
  3. LogicManager calls Command#execute() method of the ImportCommand object. An appropriate CommandResult object containing a Path object with the importing file path and a set of ModuleCode objects to reference the Module objects to import is then returned to the caller.
  4. LogicManager calls the Archive#importFromArchive() method. The Archive object then checks whether the modules in user’s input exist in the current Tracker, and in the specified file path.
  5. If no exceptions are thrown, the command succeeds in importing Module objects from the specified file path to the current Tracker object.

Notes for ImportCommandParser#parse()

  • A ParseException will be thrown for the following scenarios:
    • The user specified /mod without providing any module code
    • The importing file path is not specified in user’s input

Notes for ImportCommand#execute()

  • A CommandException will be thrown if the specified file path is invalid.

Notes for Archive#importFromArchive()

  • A CommandException will be thrown for the following scenarios:
    • The file doesn’t exist in the specified file path.
    • The file doesn’t have read permission
    • The file isn’t a valid Le Tracker data file
    • The user is importing modules that doesn’t exist in the saving file
    • The user is importing modules that exists in the current Tracker object without the /overwrite flag

Clear feature

The clear feature supports clearing the entire tracker of all modules, lectures and videos

The feature utilizes the following classes:

  • ClearCommand - executable command to clear modules, lectures and videos in the tracker

The following is a description of the code execution flow:

  1. TrackerParser#parseCommand parses based on the command word clear to identify that the Clear feature is being called.
  2. ClearCommand#execute(Model) calls Model#clearTracker to clear the tracker

Reasons for such implementation

  • This implementation allows for adherence to basic Object Oriented Programming principles

Possible further implementation

  • add a prompt to check with user whether they really want to clear everything since the command is irreversible

Documentation, logging, testing, configuration, dev-ops

Appendix: Requirements

Product scope

Target user profile:

  • NUS students
  • Fast typists
  • Prefers typing to mouse interactions
  • Prefers desktop apps over other types
  • Is reasonably comfortable with using CLI apps
  • Is attending modules with recorded lectures
  • Is having difficulty keeping track of which lecture videos he/she has watched
    • Possibly falling behind on lecture materials
    • Possibly feeling overwhelmed by large number of lectures per week

Value proposition:

  • Track lecture watch progress by recorded videos
  • Get an overall glance of one’s watch progress on a module by module or lecture by lecture basis

User stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Implemented Priority As a/an …​ I can …​ So that I can…​
:white_check_mark: * * * new user access a guide on how to use the app learn how to use the app
:white_check_mark: * * * user add a video track what videos I have watched
:white_check_mark: * * * user add a lecture track my watch progress by lectures and organise my videos by lectures
:white_check_mark: * * * user add a module track my watch progress by modules and organise my lectures
:white_check_mark: * * * user edit details of existing modules add new details and correct mistakes
:white_check_mark: * * * user edit details of existing lectures add new details and correct mistakes
:white_check_mark: * * * user edit details of existing videos add new details and correct mistakes
:white_check_mark: * * * user delete specific modules remove modules that were added by accident or are no longer relevant to my studies (e.g. dropped / completed)
:white_check_mark: * * * user delete specific lectures remove lectures that were added by accident
:white_check_mark: * * * user delete specific videos remove videos that were added by accident
:white_check_mark: * * * user mark videos that I have watched keep track of which videos I have watched
:white_check_mark: * * * user unmark videos that I have previously marked as watched correct my mistakes when I mark a video by accident
:white_check_mark: * * * user list my modules view the details of all modules that are being tracked by the app
:white_check_mark: * * * user list lectures of a specific module view the details of all lectures of a module
:white_check_mark: * * * user list videos of a specific lecture view the details of all videos of a lecture
:white_check_mark: * * user find modules, lectures or videos by relevant keywords can avoid wasting time manually searching through a list to find a specific module, lecture, or video
:white_check_mark: * * user add tags to modules label and organise my modules more effectively
:white_check_mark: * * user add tags to lectures label and organise my lectures more effectively
:white_check_mark: * * user add tags to videos label and organise my lectures more effectively
:white_check_mark: * * user remove tags from modules remove tags that are no longer relevant or added by accident
:white_check_mark: * * user remove tags from lectures remove tags that are no longer relevant or added by accident
:white_check_mark: * * user remove tags from videos remove tags that are no longer relevant or added by accident
:white_check_mark: * * user delete all modules remove obsolete modules quickly after a semester is over or clear sample modules
:white_check_mark: * * user set timestamps on videos track where I last left off on a video
:white_check_mark: * * user view the overall watch progress of a module have an idea of how much progress I have made for a module and how much more progress is left
:white_check_mark: * * user view the overall watch progress of a lecture have an idea of how much progress I have made for a lecture and how much more progress is left
:white_check_mark: * * user export my progress data to a new file backup my data or transfer it to a new device
:white_check_mark: * * user export my progress data to an existing file updated the back up data incase I drop a module or take an add-on module during the semester
:white_check_mark: * * user import all my modules progress restore my tracker should I change or wipe my device
:white_check_mark: * * user import some of my module progress revise and relearn the concepts in specific modules I have studied, as well as track whether my productivity level improved
:white_check_mark: * * forgetful user be reminded of where to find the guide relearn how to use the app
:white_check_mark: * * user navigate through the hierarchy of modules, lectures, and videos not type the same lengthy arguments each time I type a command
:white_check_mark: * user delete multiple modules of my choosing through one action quickly remove multiple modules that were added by accident or are no longer relevant to my studies (e.g. dropped / completed)
:white_check_mark: * user delete multiple lectures of my choosing through one action quickly remove lectures that were added by accident
:white_check_mark: * user delete multiple videos of my choosing through one action quickly remove videos that were added by accident
:white_check_mark: * user mark multiple videos that I have watched through one action quickly update my progress when I open up the app after watching multiple videos
:white_check_mark: * user unmark multiple videos that I have previously marked as watched through one action quickly fix my mistake when I mark multiple videos by accident
:white_check_mark: * user scroll commands I have previously executed execute similar commands without typing out the command again
:white_check_mark: * unmotivated user feel rewarded for making progress in watching lecture videos be motivated to keep up or catch up with the syllabus
:x: * user be notified when a new lecture video is out stay up to date with my lectures
:x: * user store summaries/notes for lectures reference those notes when I’m revising the contents of the lecture

Use cases

(For all use cases below, the System is Le Tracker and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)


  1. User requests to navigate to a specific lecture belonging to a specific module.
  2. Le Tracker navigates to the specified lecture and displays a confirmation message.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The user does not enter sufficient details for the lecture.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. The specified lecture or module does not exist.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

List modules


  1. User wants to see all modules and executes list modules command.
  2. A list of modules is populated.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The list command is invalid.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

List module’s lectures


  1. User wants to see all lectures of a module and executes list lectures command with module supplied.
  2. A list of lectures of specified module is populated.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The module does not exist.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1b. The list command is invalid.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

List lecture’s videos


  1. User wants to see all videos of a lecture in a module and executes list videos command with a module and a lecture supplied.
  2. A list of videos of the specified lecture in the specified module is populated.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The module does not exist.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1b. The lecture does not exist.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1c. The list command is invalid.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Find module


  1. User wants to find modules that starts with a keyword and executes find modules command with keyword supplied.
  2. A list of modules relevant to the keyword is populated.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. The keyword is in wrong format.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1b. The find command is invalid.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Find lecture


  1. User wants to find lectures in a module that starts with a keyword and executes find lecture command with module and keyword supplied.
  2. A list of lectures in the specified module which are relevant to the keyword is populated.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. The keyword is in wrong format.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1b. The module does not exist.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1c. The find command is invalid.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Find video


  1. User wants to find videos in a lecture belonging in a module that starts with a keyword and executes find video command with module, lecture and keyword supplied.
  2. A list of videos in the specified lecture in the specified module which are relevant to the keyword is populated.

    Use case ends.

  • 1a. The keyword is in wrong format.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1b. The module does not exist.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1c. The lecture does not exist.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 1d. The find command is invalid.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Add a module


  1. User requests to add a module and specifies the details of the module.
  2. Le Tracker adds the module.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The user does not enter sufficient details for the module.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. One or more of the details specified is invalid.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. The module to be added is a duplicate of an existing module in Le Tracker.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Add a lecture


  1. User requests to add a lecture to a module and specifies the details of the lecture.
  2. Le Tracker adds the lecture.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The module to add the lecture to does not exist.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. The user does not enter sufficient details for the lecture.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. One or more of the details specified is invalid.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. The lecture to be added is a duplicate of an existing lecture in the module.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Add a video


  1. User requests to add a video to a lecture of a module and specifies the details of the video.
  2. Le Tracker adds the video.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The module that is supposed to contain the lecture does not exist.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. The lecture to add the video to does not exist.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. The user does not enter sufficient details for the video.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. One or more of the details specified is invalid.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1e. The video to be added is a duplicate of an existing video in the lecture.

    • 1e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Edit a module


  1. User requests to edit a module and specifies the updated details for the module.
  2. Le Tracker edits the module.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The module the user is requesting to edit does not exist.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. The user does not enter any updated details.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. One or more of the updated details specified is invalid.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. The resulting edited module is a duplicate of another module in Le Tracker.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Edit a lecture


  1. User requests to edit a lecture of a module and specifies the updated details of the lecture.
  2. Le Tracker adds the lecture.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The module that is supposed to contain the lecture to edit does not exist.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. The lecture the user is requesting to edit does not exist.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. The user does not enter any updated details.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. One or more of the updated details specified is invalid.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1e. The resulting edited lecture is a duplicate of another lecture in the module.

    • 1e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Edit a video


  1. User requests to edit a video of a lecture belonging to a module and specifies the updated details of the video.
  2. Le Tracker adds the lecture.

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The module that is supposed to contain the lecture does not exist.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. The lecture that is supposed to contain the video to edit does not exist.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. The video the user is requesting to edit does not exist.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. The user does not enter any updated details.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1e. One or more of the updated details specified is invalid.

    • 1e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1f. The resulting edited video is a duplicate of another video in the lecture.

    • 1f1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Delete a Module

Preconditions: User has added a module


  1. User requests to delete the specific module by specifying the module code
  2. Le Tracker deletes the module

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The given module code does not follow the module code format.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

    1b. Module of module code does not exist in Le Tracker.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Delete multiple Modules

Preconditions: User has added a few modules


  1. User requests to delete specific modules by specifying their respective module codes
  2. Le Tracker deletes the specified modules

Use case ends.


  • 1a. At least one of module codes supplied does not follow the module code format.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. Module codes supplied contains duplicates.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. At least one of the module codes supplied does not belong to any module in Le Tracker.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Delete a Lecture

Preconditions: User has added a module and a lecture


  1. User requests to delete a specific lecture by specifying a module code and lecture name
  2. Le Tracker deletes the lecture

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The supplied module code does not follow the module code format.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. The supplied lecture name does not follow the lecture name format.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. The module of module code that is supposed to contain the lecture of lecture name does not exist.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. The lecture of lecture name does not exist in module of module code.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Delete multiple Lectures

Preconditions: User has added a module and a few lectures


  1. User specifies multiple lecture names to be deleted and a module code
  2. Le Tracker deletes the specified lectures of lecture names from the specified module of module code

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. The module code specified does not follow the module code format.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. At least one of the lecture names supplied does not follow the lecture name format.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. Lecture names supplied contains duplicates.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. The module of module code does not exist in Le Tracker.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1e. At least one lecture of the supplied lecture names does not exist in the module of module code.

    • 1e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Delete a Video

Preconditions: User has added a module, a lecture and a video


  1. User requests to delete a specific video by citing its video name, lecture name of the lecture that contains it, and the module code of the module that contains the lecture
  2. Le Tracker deletes the video from the lecture of the module

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. Module code supplied does not follow the module code format.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. Lecture name supplied does not follow the lecture name format.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. Video name supplied does not follow the video name format.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. There is no such module of module code in Le Tracker.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1e. There is no such lecture of lecture name in the module.

    • 1e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1f. There is no such video of video name in the lecture.

    • 1f1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Delete multiple Videos

Precondition: User has added a module, a lecture and a few videos


  1. User requests to delete the specific videos by supplying their video names, the lecture name of the lecture containing them and the module code of the module containing the lecture
  2. Le Tracker deletes the specified videos from the lecture of the module

Use case ends.


  • 1a. Module code supplied does not follow the module code format.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. Lecture name supplied does not follow the lecture name format.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. At least one of the video names supplied does not follow the video name format.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. The video names supplied contains duplicates.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1e. There is no such module of module code in Le Tracker.

    • 1e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1f. There is no such lecture of lecture name in the module.

    • 1f1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1g. At least one of the videos of video names supplied do not exist in the lecture.

    • 1g1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Mark/Unmark a video

Preconditions: User has added a module, a lecture and a video


  1. User specifies the module code, lecture name and video name to mark/unmark the video as watched/unwatched
  2. Le Tracker marks/unmarks the video as watched/unwatched

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. Invalid module code that does not follow module code format is supplied.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. Invalid lecture name that does not follow lecture name format is supplied.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. Invalid video name that does not follow video name format is supplied.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. Module of module code does not exist in Le Tracker.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1e. Lecture of lecture name does not exist in module of module code.

    • 1e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1f. Video name does not exist in lecture of lecture name in module of module code.

    • 1f1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 2a. Video to mark is already marked as watched.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 2b. Video to unmark is already unmarked.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Mark/Unmark multiple videos

Preconditions: User has added a module, a lecture and a few videos


  1. User specifies the module code, lecture name and multiple video names to mark/unmark as watched/unwatched
  2. Le Tracker marks/unmarks the videos as watched/unwatched

Use case ends.


  • 1a. Invalid module code that does not follow module code format is supplied.

    • 1a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. Invalid lecture name that does not follow lecture name format is supplied.

    • 1b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1c. At least one of video names supplied does not follow video name format.

    • 1c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1d. The video names supplied contain duplicates.

    • 1d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1e. Module of module code does not exist in Le Tracker.

    • 1e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1f. Lecture of lecture name does not exist in module of module code.

    • 1f1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 1g. At least one of the videos of video names do not exist in lecture of lecture name in module of module code.

    • 1g1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 2a. At least one of the videos to mark is already marked as watched.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

Tag a module


  1. User requests to tag a module.
  2. User specifies the tags and the reference to the module.
  3. The module is tagged.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Module does not exist.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. Reference to module is empty.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. No tag is provided.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Tag a lecture

Precondition: User has added a module and a lecture


  1. User requests to tag a lecture of a module.
  2. User specifies the tags as well as the lecture and the module the lecture belongs to.
  3. The lecture is tagged.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Module does not exist.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. Reference to module is empty.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. Lecture does not exist.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2d. Reference to lecture is empty.

    • 2d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2e. No tag is provided.

    • 2e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Tag a video

Precondition: User has added a module, a lecture, and a video


  1. User requests to tag a video of a lecture.
  2. User specified the tags, as well as the video, the lecture the video belongs to, and the module the lecture belongs to.
  3. The video is tagged.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Module does not exist.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. Reference to module is empty.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. Lecture does not exist.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2d. Reference to lecture is empty.

    • 2d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2e. Video does not exist.

    • 2e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2f. Reference to video is empty.

    • 2f1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2g. No tag is provided.

    • 2g1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Untag a module

Precondition: User has added a module, and has tagged that module


  1. User requests to remove some tags from a module.
  2. User specifies the tags to remove and the reference to the module.
  3. The module’s tags are removed.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Module does not exist.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. Reference to module is empty.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. No tag is provided.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2d. Module tags do not exist.

    • 2d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Untag a lecture

Precondition: User has added a module and a lecture, and has tagged the lecture


  1. User requests to remove some tags from a lecture of a module.
  2. User specifies the tags as well as the lecture and the module the lecture belongs to.
  3. The lecture’s tags are removed.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Module does not exist.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. Reference to module is empty.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. Lecture does not exist.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2d. Reference to lecture is empty.

    • 2d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2e. No tag is provided.

    • 2e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2f. Lecture tags do not exist.

    • 2f1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Untag a video

Precondition: User has added a module, a lecture, and a video, and has tagged the video


  1. User requests to remove some tags from a video of a lecture.
  2. User specifies the tags, as well as the video, the lecture the video belongs to, and the module the lecture belongs to.
  3. The video’s tags are removed.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Module does not exist.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. Reference to module is empty.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. Lecture does not exist.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2d. Reference to lecture is empty.

    • 2d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2e. Video does not exist.

    • 2e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2f. Reference to video is empty.

    • 2f1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2g. No tag is provided.

    • 2g1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2h. Video tags do not exist.

    • 2h1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Export all modules to a new file


  1. User requests to save all data in the current tracker to a new file.
  2. User specifies the name of the file to save to.
  3. All module data in the current tracker is saved to the file.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. File name is invalid.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. File already exists.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Export all modules to an existing file


  1. User requests to save all data in the current tracker to an existing file.
  2. User specifies the name of the file to save to, as well as indicating that user wants to overwrite the existing file.
  3. All module data in the current tracker is saved to the file.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. File name is invalid.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. File cannot be written to.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. No indication of overwriting file.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Import all modules from a file


  1. User requests to import all module data from an existing file.
  2. User specifies the name of the file to import from.
  3. All module data in the file is imported to the current tracker.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. File name is invalid.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. File does not exist.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. File cannot be read.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2d. Some modules already exist in the current tracker.

    • 2d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Import all modules from a file


  1. User requests to import all module data from an existing file.
  2. User specifies the name of the file to import from.
  3. All module data in the file is imported to the current tracker.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. File name is invalid.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. File does not exist.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. File cannot be read.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2d. Some modules already exist in the current tracker.

    • 2d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Import some modules from a file


  1. User requests to import some modules data from an existing file.
  2. User specifies the name of the file to import from, as well as references to the modules to be imported.
  3. Modules data in the file is imported to the current tracker.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. File name is invalid.

    • 2a1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2b. File does not exist.

    • 2b1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2c. File cannot be read.

    • 2c1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2d. Some modules already exist in the current tracker.

    • 2d1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

  • 2e. Specified modules do not exist in the saved file.

    • 2e1. Le Tracker shows an error message.

      Use case resumes at step 1.

Clear all Modules


  1. User requests to clear all modules
  2. Le Tracker clears all modules

Non-Functional Requirements


  • The app should be easy to navigate and use, with a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and clear.
  • The app should be accessible to users of different skill levels and backgrounds.
  • A user with above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands) should be able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.


  • The app should be reliable and stable, with minimal downtime or disruptions. It should be able to handle a large number of users and requests without crashing or malfunctioning.


  • The app should respond quickly to user requests, with minimal loading times or delays.
  • The app should be able to hold up to 1000 modules, lectures and videos without a noticeable sluggishness in performance for typical usage.


  • The app should work on any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed so that it can be accessed and used by a wide range of users.


  • The app should be easy to maintain and update, with clear and well-organized code, documentation, and version control. This will help ensure that the app remains functional and up-to-date over time.


  • Argument: A key value pair, of the format /{key} {value}, specified in the user’s input (e.g. /mod CS2040S). It is commonly referred to by the /{key} portion (e.g. /mod)
  • Context: A module code or module code - lecture name pair that represents a location in the module-lecture-video hierarchy
  • Current Working Context: A specified context that allows the navigation system to inject /mod or /lec prefixes into the user’s command
  • Lecture: A lecture of a module
  • Lecture Name: A name given to a lecture by the user
  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X
  • Module: A module or course in NUS
  • Module Code: The unique official code assigned to a module by NUS (e.g. CS2103)
  • Navigate: To specify a current working context
  • Timestamp: The timestamp of a video, representing a specific point in the video, specified in hours, minutes, and seconds
  • Video: A video recording of a lecture
  • Video Name: A name given to a video by the user

Appendix: Instructions for manual testing

Given below are instructions to test the app manually.

:exclamation:Note: These instructions may not be comprehensive and serve only as a starting point for manual testing; Testers are encouraged to conduct further exploratory testing to find unexpected behaviour.

Please ensure that you begin with the original sample data set before testing!

  • Delete the {leTracker_directory}/data folder to regenerate the sample data.

To make things easier for testing

  • Before testing, execute export test.json to make a copy of the sample data.
    • You can then execute import test.json /overwrite to revert any changes and restore the original sample data set.

Before beginning each test case, ensure that

  1. You are at the root context .
  2. You are using the unmodified original sample data set.

List Modules

Test Case Expected Result
list Message:
Listed all modules
List updates:
Show modules with code [CS2040S, ST2334]
list /r Same as previous
list foo Same as previous

List Lectures of a Module

Test Case Expected Result
1.nav CS2040S
Listed all lectures from module: CS2040S
List updates:
Show lectures with name [Week 1, Week 2, … , Week 7]
list /mod CS2040S Same as previous

List Videos of a Lecture

Test Case Expected Result
1.nav CS2040S
2.nav Week 1
Listed all videos from module: CS2040S, lecture: Week 1
List updates:
Show videos with name [Vid 3]
1.nav CS2040S
2.list /lec Week 1
Same as previous
1.nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
Same as previous
list /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 Same as previous

Find Modules

Test Case Expected Result
find cs Message:
1 modules listed!
List updates: Show modules with code [CS2040S]
find cs /r Same as previous
find foo Message:
0 modules listed!
List updates: Shows an empty list

Find Modules by Tag

Test Case Expected Result
find math /byTag Message:
2 modules listed!
List updates: Show modules with code [CS2040S, ST2334]
find prob /r /byTag Message:
1 modules listed!
List updates: Show modules with code [ST2334]
find foo /byTag Message:
0 modules listed!
List updates: Shows an empty list

Find Lectures of a Module

Test Case Expected Result
1.nav CS2040S
2.find week 1
1 lectures listed!
List updates: Show lectures with name [Week 1]
find week 1 /mod CS2040S Same as previous
find wk /mod CS2040S Message:
0 lectures listed!
List updates: Shows an empty list

Find Lectures of a Module by Tag

Test Case Expected Result
1.nav CS2040S
2.find arr /byTag
2 lectures listed!
List updates: Show lectures with name [Week 2, Week 4]
find arr /mod CS2040S /byTag Same as previous
find arry /mod CS2040S /byTag Message:
0 lectures listed!
List updates: Shows an empty list

Find Videos of a Lecture

Test Case Expected Result
1.nav CS2040S
2.nav Week 1
3.find vid 3
1 videos listed!
List updates: Show videos with name [Vid 3]
1.nav CS2040S
2.find vid 3 /lec Week 1
Same as previous
1.nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2.find vid 3
Same as previous
find vid 3 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 Same as previous
1.nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
Invalid command format!
List updates: None

Find Videos of a Lecture by Tag

Test Case Expected Result
1.nav CS2040S
2.nav Week 2
3.find math /byTag
1 videos listed!
List updates: Show videos with name [Vid 2]
1.nav CS2040S
2.find math /lec Week 2 /byTag
Same as previous
1.nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 2
2.find math /byTag
Same as previous
find math /mod CS2040S /lec Week 2 /byTag Same as previous
1.nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 2
Invalid command format!
List updates: None

Add a Module

Test Case Expected Result
add CS2103T /name Software Engineering /tags Coding, 4MCs Message:
New module added: CS2103T; Name: Software Engineering; Tags: [4MCs][Coding]
List updates: New entry for “CS2103T”, with name “Software Engineering” and tags “Coding”, and “4MCs”
1. nav CS2040S
2. add CS2103T /r /name Software Engineering /tags Coding, 4MCs
Same as previous
List updates: None
1. nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2. add CS2103T /r /name Software Engineering /tags Coding, 4MCs
Same as previous

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • add (incorrect format)
  • add CS2040S (duplicate module)
  • add 123 (invalid module code)
  • add CS2103T /name N@me (invalid module name)
  • add CS2103T /tags T@g (invalid tag)

Add a Lecture

Test Case Expected Result
add Week 7 /mod CS2040S /tags AVLTree, Census Message:
New lecture added to module CS2040S: Week 7; Tags: [Census][AVLTree]
List updates: Module progress for “CS2040S” entry is changed to “5/7”
1. nav CS2040S
2. add Week 7 /tags AVLTree, Census
Same as previous
List updates: New entry for “Week 7” with tags “AVLTree” and “Census”
1. nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2. add Week 7 /mod CS2040S /tags AVLTree, Census
Same as previous
List updates: None

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • add /mod CS2040S (incorrect format)
  • add Week 1 /mod CS2040S (duplicate lecture)
  • add Lecture N@me /mod CS2040S (invalid lecture name)
  • add Week 7 /mod CS2040S /tags T@g (invalid tag)

Add a Video

Test Case Expected Result
add Vid 3 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /timestamp 01:04:20 /watch /tags Analysis, BigO Message:
New video added to lecture Week 1 of module CS2040S: Vid 3; Watched; Timestamp: 01:04:20; Tags: [BigO][Analysis]
List updates: None
1. nav CS2040S
2. add Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /timestamp 01:04:20 /watch /tags Analysis, BigO
Same as previous
List updates: Lecture progress for “Week 1” entry is changed to “3/3”
1. nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2. add Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /timestamp 01:04:20 /tags Analysis, BigO
New video added to lecture Week 1 of module CS2040S : Vid 3; Not Watched; Timestamp: 01:04:20; Tags: [BigO][Analysis]
List updates: New entry for “Vid 3” with timestamp “01:04:20”, tags “Analysis” and “BigO”, and video marked as “not watched”

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • add /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (incorrect format)
  • add Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (duplicate video)
  • add V!deo /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (invalid video name)
  • add Vid 3 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /tags T@g (invalid tag)

Edit a Module

Test Case Expected Result
edit CS2040S /code CS2040 /name DSAG /tags Analytical, 4MCs Message:
Edited module: CS2040; Name: DSAG; Tags: [4MCs][Analytical]; Lectures: Week 1; Tags: [Intro]; Videos: Vid 1; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Algo]Vid 2; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Analysis]Week 2; Tags: [Sorting]; Videos: Vid; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00Week 3; Tags: [Arrays][LinkedList]; Videos: Vid 1; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Algo]Vid 2; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Analysis]Week 4; Tags: [Stacks][Queues]; Videos: Vid; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00Week 5; Tags: [Hashing]; Videos: Vid 1; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Algo]Vid 2; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Analysis]Week 6; Tags: [BloomFilter]; Videos: Vid; Not Watched; Timestamp: 00:24:20
List updates: Entry for “CS2040S” updated to “CS2040”, with name “DSAG” and tags “Analytical” and “4MCs”
1. nav CS2040S
2. edit CS2040S /r /code CS2040 /name DSAG /tags Analytical, 4MCs
Same as previous
List updates: None
1. nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2. edit CS2040S /r /code CS2040 /name DSAG /tags Analytical, 4MCs
Same as previous

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • edit (incorrect format)
  • edit CS2040S /code ST2334 (duplicate module)
  • edit 123 (invalid module code)
  • edit CS2040S (no updated fields)
  • edit CS2103 /code CS2103T (non-existent module)
  • edit CS2040S /code 123 (invalid module code)
  • edit CS2040S /name N@me (invalid module name)
  • edit CS2040S /tags T@g (invalid tag)

Edit a Lecture

Test Case Expected Result
edit Week 1 /mod CS2040S /name W1 /tags Intro, BigO Message:
Edited lecture of module CS2040S: W1; Tags: [BigO][Intro]; Videos: Vid 1; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Algo]Vid 2; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Analysis]
List updates: None
1. nav CS2040S
2. edit Week 1 /name W1 /tags Intro, BigO
Same as previous
List updates: Entry for “Week 1” updated to “W1”, with tags “Intro” and “BigO”
1. nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2. edit Week 1 /mod CS2040S /name W1 /tags Intro, BigO
Same as previous
List updates: None

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • edit /mod CS2040S (incorrect format)
  • edit Week 1 /mod CS2040S /name Week 2 (duplicate lecture)
  • edit Week! /mod CS2040S (invalid lecture name)
  • edit Week 1 /mod CS2040S (no updated fields)
  • edit Week 7 /mod CS2040S /name Week 07 (non-existent lecture)
  • edit Week 1 /mod CS2040S /name Week! (invalid lecture name)
  • edit Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags T@g (invalid tag)

Edit a Video

Test Case Expected Result
edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /name Vid 01 /timestamp 01:04:20 /unwatch /tags Analysis, BigO Message:
Edited video of lecture Week 1 of module CS2040S: Vid 01; Not Watched; Timestamp: 01:04:20; Tags: [BigO][Analysis]
List updates: Module progress for “CS2040S” entry is changed to “4/6”
1. nav CS2040S
2. edit Vid 1 /lec Week 1 /name Vid 01 /timestamp 01:04:20 /unwatch /tags Analysis, BigO
Same as previous
List updates: Lecture progress for “Week 1” entry is changed to “1/2”
1. nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2. edit Vid 1 /name Vid 01 /timestamp 01:04:20 /unwatch /tags Analysis, BigO
Same as previous
List updates: Entry for “Vid 1” updated to “Vid 01”, with timestamp “01:04:20”, tags “Analysis” and “BigO”, and video marked as “not watched”.

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • edit /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (incorrect format)
  • edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /name Vid 2 (duplicate video)
  • edit V!d 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (invalid video name)
  • edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (no updated fields)
  • edit Vid 5 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /name Vid 05 (non-existent video)
  • edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /name V!d 1 (invalid video name)
  • edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /timestamp 100:00:00 (invalid timestamp format)
  • edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /timestamp 00:99:00 (invalid timestamp range)
  • edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /tags T@g (invalid tag)
  • edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /watch /unwatch (conflicting arguments)

Delete Module(s)

Test Case Expected Result
delete CS2040S Message:
Deleted Module: CS2040S
List Updates Entry for “CS2040S” removed
Context: /r
1. nav CS2040S
2. delete CS2040S /r
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Show list of remaining modules, where entry for “CS2040S” is removed
Context: /r
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 1
3. delete CS2040S /r
Same as previous
1. nav ST2334
2. delete CS2040S /r
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: None
Context: /mod ST2334
delete CS2040S, ST2334 Message:
2 Modules deleted(CS2040S, ST2334)
List Updates: Entry for “CS2040S” and “ST2334” are removed
Context: /r
1. nav CS2040S
2. delete CS2040S, ST2334 /r
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Show list of remaining modules, where entries for “CS2040S” and “ST2334” are removed
Context: /r
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 1
3. delete CS2040S, ST2334 /r
Same as previous

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • delete (incorrect command format)
  • delete mod23 (invalid module code format)
  • delete CS2040S, CS2040S (duplicate module code)
  • delete CS1234 (module does not exist)

Delete Lecture(s)

Test Case Expected Result
delete Week 1 /mod CS2040S Message:
Deleted Lecture: Week 1 from Module CS2040S
List Updates: Total number of lectures in the entry for “CS2040S” is updated to 5
Context: /r
1. nav CS2040S
2. delete Week 1
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Entry for “Week 1” removed
Context: /mod CS2040S
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 1
3. delete Week 1 /mod CS2040S
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Show list of remaining lectures of CS2040S, where entry for “Week 1” is removed
Context: /mod CS2040S
1. nav CS2040S
2. delete Week 1, Week 2 /mod CS2040S
2 Lectures deleted from Module CS2040S:
Week 1, Week 2

List Updates: Entries for “Week 1” and “Week 2” removed
Context: /mod CS2040S
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 2
3. delete Week 1, Week 2 /mod CS2040S
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Show list of remaining lectures of CS2040S, where entries for “Week 1” and “Week 2” are removed
Context: /mod CS2040S

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • delete Week #1 /mod CS2040S (invalid lecture name format)
  • delete Week 1 /mod mod23 (invalid module code format)
  • delete Week 1, Week 1 /mod CS2040S (duplicate lecture names)
  • delete Topic 1 /mod CS2040S (lecture does not exist in module)
  • delete Week 1 /mod NOT123 (module does not exist)

Delete Video(s)

Test case Expected Result
delete Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 Message:
Deleted Video: Vid 1 from Lecture Week 1 in Module CS2040S
List Updates: None
Context: /r
1. nav CS2040S
2. delete Vid 1 /lec Week 1
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Total number of videos for the entry for “Week 1” is updated to 1
Context: /mod CS2040S
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 1
3. delete Vid 1
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Entry for “Vid 1” removed
Context: /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 1
3. delete Vid 1, Vid 2 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2 Videos deleted from Module CS2040S > Lecture Week 1
List Updates: Entry for “Vid 1” and “Vid 2” are removed
Context: /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • delete Vid 1 /lec Week 1 (invalid command format)
  • delete V!d 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (invalid video name format)
  • delete Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week #1 (invalid lecture name format)
  • delete Vid 1 /mod mod123 /lec Week 1 (invalid module code format)
  • delete Vid 1, Vid 1 /mod CS2040s /lec Week 1 (duplicate video names)
  • delete VidNotExist /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (video does not exist in lecture)
  • delete Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec LecDoesNotExist (lecture does not exist in module)
  • delete Vid 1 /mod NOT123 /lec Week 1 (module does not exist)

Mark a Video

Test Case Expected Result
mark Vid /mod CS2040S /lec Week 6 Message:
Successfully marked 1 Video in Lecture Week 6 Module CS2040S: Vid
List Updates: Watch progress of entry for “CS2040S” updated to show a full bar with Covered 6/6 lectures
1. nav CS2040S
2. mark Vid /lec Week 6
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Watch progress of entry for “Week 6” is updated to show a full bar with Watched 1/1 videos
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 6
3. mark Vid
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Watch progress of entry for “Vid” is updated to show Watched
1. nav ST2334
2. mark Vid /mod CS2040S /lec Week 6
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: None
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 6
3. add Vid 2
4. mark Vid, Vid2
Message: Successfully marked 2 Videos in Lecture Week 6 Module CS2040S: Vid, Vid 2
List Updates: Watch progress of entries “Vid” and “Vid 2” are updated to show Watched

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • mark (invalid command format)
  • mark V!d /mod CS2040S /lec Week 6 (invalid video name format)
  • mark Vid /mod CS2040S /lec Week #6 (invalid lecture name format)
  • mark Vid /mod mod123 /lec Week 6 (invalid module code format)
  • mark Vid, Vid /mod CS2040s /lec Week 6 (duplicate video names)
  • mark VidNotExist /mod CS2040S /lec Week 6 (video does not exist in lecture)
  • mark Vid /mod CS2040S /lec LecDoesNotExist (lecture does not exist in module)
  • mark Vid /mod NOT123 /lec Week 6 (module does not exist)
  • mark Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (video already marked)
  • mark Vid 1, Vid 2 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (videos already marked)

Unmark a Video

Test Case Expected Result
unmark Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 Message:
Successfully unmarked Video in Lecture Week 1 Module CS2040S: Vid 1
List Updates: Watch progress of entry for “CS2040S” is updated to show a less filled bar with Covered 4/6 lectures
1. nav CS2040S
2. unmark Vid 1 /lec Week 1
Message: Same as previous
List Updates: Watch progress of entry for “Week 1” is updated to show a half full bar with Watched 1/2 videos
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 1
3. unmark Vid 1, Vid 2
Successfully unmarked 2 Videos in Lecture Week 1 Module CS2040S: Vid 1, Vid 2
List Updates: Watch progress of entries for “Vid 1” and “Vid 2” are updated to show Not Watched
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 1
3. unmark Vid 1, Vid 2
4. unmark Vid 1, Vid 2
Same as previous

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • unmark (invalid command format)
  • unmark V!d 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (invalid video name format)
  • unmark Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week #1 (invalid lecture name format)
  • unmark Vid 1 /mod mod123 /lec Week 1 (invalid module code format)
  • unmark Vid 1, Vid 1 /mod CS2040s /lec Week 1 (duplicate video names)
  • unmark VidNotExist /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 (video does not exist in lecture)
  • unmark Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec LecDoesNotExist (lecture does not exist in module)
  • unmark Vid 1 /mod NOT123 /lec Week 1 (module does not exist)
  • unmark Vid /mod CS2040S /lec Week 6 (video already unmarked)

Tag a Module

Test Case Expected Result
tag CS2040S /tags fun, cool Message:
CS2040S tagged
List updates: CS2040S should be tagged with [fun, cool]
tag CS2040S /tags Heavy Message:
CS2040S tagged
List updates: None
tag CS2040S /tags cool, cool Message:
CS2040S tagged
List updates: CS2040S should only be tagged with [cool] once
tag CS2040S /tags @@ Message:
Tag(s) @@ should be alphanumeric

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • tag CS2040S (invalid format)
  • tag CS2040S /tags @@ (invalid tag)
  • tag LOL /tags yay (invalid module name)

Tag a Lecture

Test Case Expected Result
tag Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags fun, cool Message:
Week 1 tagged
List updates: None
1. nav CS2040S
2. tag Week 1 /tags fun, cool
Week 1 tagged
List updates: Week 1 should be tagged with [fun, cool]
1. nav ST2334
2. tag CS2040S /tags fun, cool
Week 1 tagged
List updates: None

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • tag Week 1 /mod CS2040S (incorrect format)
  • tag Lecture N@me /mod CS2040S /tag yay (invalid lecture name)
  • tag Week 7 /mod CS2040S /tags T@g (invalid tag)

Tag a Video

Test Case Expected Result
tag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags fun, cool Message:
Vid 3 tagged
List updates: None
1. nav CS2040S
2. tag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /tags fun, cool
3. nav Week 1
Week 1 tagged
List updates: Vid 3 should be tagged with [fun, cool]
1. nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2. tag Vid 3 /tags fun, cool
Same as previous
1. nav /mod ST2334 /lec Topic 1
2. tag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags fun, cool
Vid 3 tagged
List updates: None

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • tag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S (incorrect format)
  • tag V@lid Name /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tag yay (invalid video name)
  • tag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags T@g (invalid tag)

Untag a Module

Test Case Expected Result
untag CS2040S /tags Heavy, Math Message:
CS2040S untagged
List updates: CS2040S should no longer be tagged with [Heavy, Math]
untag CS2040S /tags Heavy, Hehe Message:
Tag Hehe of Module CS2040S does not exist
List updates: None
untag CS2040S /tags Heavy, Heavy Message:
CS2040S untagged
List updates: CS2040S should no longer be tagged with [Heavy]

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • untag CS2040S (invalid format)
  • untag CS2040S /tags @@ (invalid tag)
  • untag LOL /tags yay (invalid module name)

Untag a Lecture

Test Case Expected Result
untag Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags Intro Message:
Week 1 untagged
List updates: None
1. nav CS2040S
2. untag Week 1 /tags Intro
Week 1 untagged
List updates: Week 1 should no long be tagged with [Intro]
1. nav ST2334
2. untag Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags Intro
Week 1 untagged
List updates: None
1. nav CS2040S
2. untag Week 2 /tags lol
Tag lol of Lecture Week 2 of Module CS2040S does not exist
List updates: None

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • untag Week 1 /mod CS2040S (incorrect format)
  • untag Lecture N@me /mod CS2040S /tag yay (invalid lecture name)
  • untag Week 7 /mod CS2040S /tags T@g (invalid tag)

Untag a Video

Test Case Expected Result
1. untag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags Intro
2. nav /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S
Vid 3 untagged
List updates: None
1. nav CS2040S
2. untag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /tags Intro
Vid 3 untagged
List updates: None
1. nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1
2. untag Vid 3 /tags Intro
Vid 3 untagged
List updates: Vid 3 should no longer be tagged with [Intro]
1. nav /mod ST2334 /lec Topic 1
2. untag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags Intro
Vid 3 untagged
List updates: None

Some incorrect commands to try from root context:

  • untag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S (incorrect format)
  • untag V@lid Name /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tag yay (invalid video name)
  • untag Vid 3 /lec Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags T@g (invalid tag)

Export All Modules to a File

Test Case Expected Result
export hello.json Message:
All modules archived to hello.json
List updates: None
Directory updates: A hello.json file should appear in {JAR_file_location}/data
1. export hi.json
2. export hi.json
File already exist. If you want to overwrite this file, insert /overwrite in the command
List updates: None
Directory updates: None
1. export ha.json
2. export ha.json /overwrite
All modules archived to ha.json
List updates: None
Directory updates: None
export letracker.json /overwrite Message:
Cannot export to the current working directory of Le Tracker
List updates: None
Directory updates: None

Import Modules from a File

Test Case Expected Result
1. export hello.json
2. delete CS2040S, ST2334
3. import hello.json
Modules imported to Le Tracker
List updates: CS2040S and ST2334 should be deleted and imported back into Le Tracker
1. export ha.json
2. delete CS2040S
3. import ha.json
ST2334 already exist in tracker. If you want to overwrite data in this module, insert /overwrite in the command
List updates: None
1. export he.json
2. delete CS2040S
3. import he.json /mod CS2040S
Modules imported to Le Tracker
List updates: CS2040S should be deleted and imported back into Le Tracker


Test Case Expected Result
clear Message:
Le Tracker has been cleared!
List Updates: Shows empty list
1. nav CS2040S
2. clear
Same as previous
List Updates: Shows empty list in
1. nav CS2040S
2. nav Week 1
3. clear
Same as previous

Appendix: Effort

Adapting Model Component

The main difficulty with developing Le Tracker was adapting the Model component to support a hierarchical structure. In the AddressBook Level-3 codebase that Le Tracker is forked from, the Model component is non-hierarchical, utilizing Person objects to store person contact details. As Le Tracker requires Modules to contain Lectures which in turn contains Videos, a hierarchical structure was needed.

This required a large amount of change to the codebase of the Model component. It also pushed us to consider the pros and cons of breaking immutability of the various classes in the component. By breaking immutability, updating of fields would be much easier and the impacts on the UI component could be minimised. However, this introduces a risk of making bugs more difficult to diagnose. We ultimately decided to have Module and Lecture be immutable such that Lecture objects and Video objects can be added to them respectively. However, we limited the access to these immutable methods through the use of ReadOnlyModule and ReadOnlyLecture interfaces.

Adapting Commands

Due to the use of a hierarchical structure in the Model component, we had to reconsider how commands should behave and how they should be parsed. The code for each command is no longer as straightforward as in AddressBook Level-3. Command parsing must now determine the intent of the user via specific arguments in the user’s input (specifically /mod and /lec). This is necessary to determine for a command such as add, is the user attempting to add a module, a lecture, or a video.

By introducing the /mod and /lec arguments, user commands are now much longer and usability has taken a hit as a result. To counter this issue, we introduced a navigation system which auto injects the /mod and /lec arguments depending on the context. More information about what the navigation system does can be found in the User Guide.

Appendix: Planned enhancements

Feature Flaw #1: Some messages are poorly formatted


Currently some messages which serve as command feedback are poorly formatted.

Poorly Formatted Message

  • The message is represented as a single line, requiring users to use the horizontal scroll bar when the message extends beyond the width of result display window.
  • The message may append excessive information to a single line without any line breaks, making it hard for the user to decipher the feedback of a command.

Here are some examples of poorly formatted messages that the team has identified:

  1. The following is a sample command for adding a module and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: add CS2103T /name Software Engineering /tags Coding, 4MCs
New module added: CS2103T; Name: Software Engineering; Tags: [4MCs][Coding]
  1. The following is a sample command for adding a lecture and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: add Week 7 /mod CS2040S /tags AVLTree, Census
New lecture added to module CS2040S: Week 7; Tags: [Census][AVLTree]
  1. The following is a sample command for adding a video and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: add Vid 3 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /timestamp 01:04:20 /watch /tags Analysis, BigO
New video added to lecture Week 1 of module CS2040S: Vid 3; Watched; Timestamp: 01:04:20; Tags: [BigO][Analysis]
  1. The following is a sample command for editing a module and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: edit CS2040S /code CS2040 /name DSAG /tags Analytical, 4MCs
Edited module: CS2040; Name: DSAG; Tags: [4MCs][Analytical]; Lectures: Week 1; Tags: [Intro]; Videos: Vid 1; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Algo]Vid 2; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Analysis]Week 2; Tags: [Sorting]; Videos: Vid; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00Week 3; Tags: [Arrays][LinkedList]; Videos: Vid 1; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Algo]Vid 2; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Analysis]Week 4; Tags: [Stacks][Queues]; Videos: Vid; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00Week 5; Tags: [Hashing]; Videos: Vid 1; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Algo]Vid 2; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Analysis]Week 6; Tags: [BloomFilter]; Videos: Vid; Not Watched; Timestamp: 00:24:20
  1. The following is a sample command for editing a lecture and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: edit Week 1 /mod CS2040S /name W1 /tags Intro, BigO
Edited lecture of module CS2040S: W1; Tags: [BigO][Intro]; Videos: Vid 1; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Algo]Vid 2; Watched; Timestamp: 00:00:00; Tags: [Analysis]
  1. The following is a sample command for editing a video and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /name Vid 01 /timestamp 01:04:20 /unwatch /tags Analysis, BigO
Edited video of lecture Week 1 of module CS2040S: Vid 01; Not Watched; Timestamp: 01:04:20; Tags: [BigO][Analysis]

Proposed Solution:

We plan on changing the output message to be more user friendly and to make better use of the vertical space of the result display window.

Given the above 6 examples, their respective redesigned output will be as such:

  1. The following is a sample command for adding a module and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: add CS2103T /name Software Engineering /tags Coding, 4MCs
New module added
Code: CS2103T
Name: Software Engineering
Tags: [4MCs] [Coding]
  1. The following is a sample command for adding a lecture and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: add Week 7 /mod CS2040S /tags AVLTree, Census
New lecture added to module "CS2040S"
Name: Week 7
Tags: [Census] [AVLTree]
  1. The following is a sample command for adding a video and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: add Vid 3 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /timestamp 01:04:20 /watch /tags Analysis, BigO
New video added to lecture "Week 1" of module "CS2040S"
Name: Vid 3
Status: Not Watched
Timestamp: 01:04:20
Tags: [BigO] [Analysis]
  1. The following is a sample command for editing a module and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: edit CS2040S /code CS2040 /name DSAG /tags Analytical, 4MCs
Edited module "CS2040S":
Updated Code: CS2040
Updated Name: DSAG
Updated Tags: [4MCs] [Analytical]
  1. The following is a sample command for editing a lecture and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: edit Week 1 /mod CS2040S /name W1 /tags Intro, BigO
Edited lecture "Week 1" of module "CS2040S":
Updated Name: W1
Updated Tags: [BigO] [Intro]
  1. The following is a sample command for editing a video and it’s output message upon success:
    Command: edit Vid 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /name Vid 01 /timestamp 01:04:20 /unwatch /tags Analysis, BigO
Edited video "Vid 1" of lecture "Week 1" of module "CS2040S":
Updated Name: Vid 01
Updated Watch Status: Not Watched
Updated Timestamp: 01:04:20
Updated Tags: [BigO] [Analysis]

Feature flaw #2: No length limit for module code, module name, lecture name, video name, and tag


There is currently no limit on the length of a module code and module name that can be assigned to a module. This is the same for the name of a lecture and the name of a video. This allows users to assign ridiculously long values to these fields, causing the UI to be truncated. This may also potentially slow down the application, and increase the size of the data file.

The following is an example of a lecture with a very long name, causing the name to be truncated:

Proposed Solution

For the commands that allow a user to assign values to the mentioned fields (add, edit, tag, untag, etc.), the arguments should have their length limited to some value (e.g. 30 characters).

The checking and limiting of length can be done while parsing the arguments and should produce an error message if the maximum length is exceeded:

The following {field} should not exceed the length limit of 30 characters: {value}

Feature flaw #3: Limited Find function capability


When user finds a module, there is only matches for module code/name that starts with the keyword specified by user. This reduces the flexibility of the find function as they might be users who do not remember what a module starts with, which may create an unpleasant experience for them.

Proposed Solution

Instead of matching contents that starts with a keyword, relax it to contain the keyword. E.g. find 2040 will match CS2040 because CS2040 contains 2040.

Feature flaw #4: Over buffering command history


Commands executed by users are saved in a stack. However, no limit is set to the number of past commands that a user can see. This can lead to having too much memory being allocated for it and having no boundary.

Proposed Solution

Set a limit to the number of commands viewable in command history. Perhaps allowing user to see the last 5 or 10 or 15 commands only, the oldest command will be deleted forever if the limit is exceeded.

Feature flaw #5: Tag constraint message does not capture the full constraint


A tag should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank. However, when an invalid tag is entered as an argument, the error message fails to mention that the tag should not be blank.

For example, if an invalid tag T@g is provided, the error message is as follows:

Tag(s) T@g should be alphanumeric

Proposed Solution

We would like to propose that the error message be more specific. We would also like to improve the formatting (referring to Feature Flaw #1):

The proposed error message is as follows:

Tags should only contain alphanumeric characters, and they should not be blank.

The following tags provided are invalid:
- T@g

Feature flaw #6: Unmark Command does not alert user of already unmarked videos


mark and unmark are similar commands that would mark a video as watched or unwatched respectively. Since these 2 commands are similar, they should have a similar functionality and error messages.

However, the current implementation is flawed as follows:

  • mark one or multiple videos: if any video is already marked as watched, an error message is shown to the user
  • unmark one video: if the video is already marked as unwatched, an error message is shown to the user
  • unmark multiple videos: if any video is already marked as unwatched, a success message is shown

As listed above, calling unmark on multiple videos has a different result as compared to its counterparts.

Proposed Solution

Set unmark for multiple videos to catch when any of the videos specified have already been marked as unwatched, and alert the user with a similar error message to its counterparts.

This implementation would allow for users to better realise what their commands are doing, especially if they are in a different context that does not allow them to visualise the effect of their commands.