
Welcome to Le Tracker ~

“The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.” - Benjamin E. Mays

School is hard. With numerous modules to juggle and endless topics to master, being a student can feel overwhelming at times. But does this truly need to be the case?

We believe that with a little help, content mastery is more than achievable.

“You don’t actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it. When enough of the right action steps have been taken, some situation will have been created that matches your initial picture of the outcome closely enough that you can call it “done.” ― David Allen, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Le Tracker makes it easy to measure your overall study progress by tracking how much lecture content you have covered across various modules. More than just a simple to-do list app, Le Tracker blends the efficiency of a command line interface with the elegance of modern graphical user interface.

Now it’s time to CONQUER the semester!

Table of Contents

Quick Start Guide


Make sure you have Java 11 installed on your computer by typing java --version from your terminal. The output should be something similar to:

openjdk 11.0.18 2023-01-17 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.62+17-CA (build 11.0.18+10-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.62+17-CA (build 11.0.18+10-LTS, mixed mode)

If not, please download it from the Oracle website.

Installation and Setup

  1. Download the latest version of letracker.jar.

  2. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory of the downloaded jar file.

  3. Run the jar file by java -jar letracker.jar.

User Interface and Getting Started

  1. Type any input in the command box.

  2. Press Enter to execute a command.
    For example, typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  3. Use :arrow_up: and :arrow_down: arrow keys to scroll through previous commands that were executed successfully.

A Brief Guide to Navigation

Current Working Context Indicator

Navigating to different contexts

  • Here are some ways you can navigate between different contexts.

For more information on navigation, please view the navigation section.

Tutorials and Examples

:information_source: Both scenarios achieve the same results, the difference lies in the context system used. You may try either one of the scenarios. If you are familiar with navigation, try out Scenario 2 to be more comfortable with the syntax. If not, try out Scenario 1 to gain a better understanding of how navigation works.

Scenario 1 - Using Navigation

  1. To add a module, execute add CS2103 /name Software Engineering.
  2. To add a tag of BestModule, execute tag CS2103 /tags BestModule.
  3. To navigate into module CS2103, execute nav CS2103.
  4. To add a lecture, execute add Week 1.
  5. To navigate into lecture Week 1, execute nav Week 1.
  6. To add a video, execute add Vid 1.
  7. To edit a timestamp, execute edit Vid 1 /timestamp 01:20:15.
  8. To mark video as watched, execute mark Vid 1.
  9. To change video name to video 1, execute edit Vid 1 /name video 1.
  10. To delete a video, execute delete video 1.
  11. To navigate back into module CS2103 and list it’s lectures, execute navb.
  12. To add a tag of Intro, execute edit Week 1 /tags Intro.
  13. To remove a tag of Intro, execute untag Week 1 /tags Intro.
  14. To navigate back to root context and list all modules, execute nav or navb.

Scenario 2 - Not using Navigation

  1. To add a module, execute add CS2103 /name Software Engineering.
  2. To add a tag of BestModule, execute tag CS2103 /tags BestModule.
  3. To add a lecture, execute add Week 1 /mod CS2103.
  4. To add a video, execute add Vid 1 /mod CS2103 /lec Week 1.
  5. To edit a timestamp, execute edit Vid 1 /mod CS2103 /lec Week 1 /timestamp 01:20:15.
  6. To list videos, execute list /mod CS2103 /lec Week 1.
  7. To mark video as watched, execute mark Vid 1 /mod CS2103 /lec Week 1.
  8. To change video name to video 1, execute edit Vid 1 /mod CS2103 /lec Week 1 /name video 1.
  9. To delete a video, execute delete video 1 /mod CS2103 /lec Week 1.
  10. To list lectures, execute list /mod CS2103.
  11. To add a tag of Intro, execute edit Week 1 /mod CS2103 /tags Intro.
  12. To remove a tag of Intro, execute untag Week 1 /mod CS2103 /tags Intro.
  13. To list all modules, execute list.

:clap: That covers all the main commands. Refer to the Command Manual section for details of each command. Feel free to play around with the sample data to familiarise yourself with the commands. Once you are comfortable, execute clear to delete all data and start from scratch.

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Command Syntax

:information_source: Named arguments are arguments which have a prefix while unnamed arguments are arguments without a prefix.
e.g. For the command add CS2040S /name DSAG, “CS2040S” is the value of the unnamed argument and “DSAG” is the value of the named argument /name.

  1. Items in curly braces (i.e. {}) are placeholders for some actual value. In a command format, they represent the argument values to be supplied by the user.
    Example For a command with format add {module_code}, {module_code} is an argument value. The command can be used as add CS2040.

  2. Items in square brackets (i.e. []) are optional.
    Example For a command with format add {module_code} [/name {module_name}], the /name argument is optional. The command can be used as add CS2040 /name Data Structures and Algorithms or as add CS2040.

  3. An ellipsis (i.e. ...) indicates that multiple values can be provided.
    Example For a command with format tag {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]], the /tags argument can take multiple values. The command can be used as tag CS2040S /tags Heavy, Hard, Math, Analysis.

  4. Named arguments can be specified in any order as long as it is after all unnamed arguments (if any).
    Example For a command with format edit {module_code} /code {updated_code} /name {updated_name}, the command can be used as edit CS2040 /code CS2040S /name DSAG or as edit CS2040 /name DSAG /code CS2040S.

  5. If a named argument is expected only once in the command but the user specified it multiple times, only the last occurrence of the argument will be taken.
    Example For a command with format add {module_code} [/name {module_name}], if used as add CS2040 /name Data Structures and Algorithms /name DSAG, DSAG will be taken as the value of the /name argument.

  6. Extraneous arguments will be ignored.
    Example For a command with format add {module_code} /name {module_name}, if used as add CS2040 /name DSAG /foo bar, the /foo argument is ignored.

  7. Any occurrence of /{argument_name}, where {argument_name} contains only alphabetical characters (a-z, A-Z), will be treated as a named argument if the following 2 conditions are met:
    • There is a whitespace before /{argument_name}
    • /{argument_name} is followed by a whitespace or it is the end of the command
    Example For the command find Intro /mod CS2040S /byTag, /mod and /byTag are both recognised as named arguments. For the command find Intro /modCS2040S /byTag, only /byTag is recognised as a named argument while Intro /modCS2040S is treated as the value of the unnamed argument.

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Argument Formats

  • Lecture Name

    Lecture names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank.
    e.g. Week 1

  • Module Code

    Module codes should begin with uppercase alphabetical characters (A-Z), followed by numeric characters, optionally followed by more uppercase alphabetical characters (A-Z).
    e.g. CS2040S

  • Module Name

    Module names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it can be blank.
    e.g. Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Tag

    Tags should only contain alphanumeric characters, and it should not be blank.
    e.g. 4MCs

  • Timestamp

    Timestamp should be of the format HH:mm:ss where HH is the number of hours, mm is the number of minutes, and ss is number of seconds, each integer being exactly 2 digits long.
    e.g. 01:20:03

  • Video Name

    Video names should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank.
    e.g. Video 1

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Current Working Context

Le Tracker organises content using a hierarchical structure (Modules -> Lectures -> Videos). When you are studying a specific lecture topic (e.g. Week 1 of CS2040S), you may find yourself frequently performing commands that are related to the module “CS2040S” and lecture “Week 1”.

To avoid the need to constantly specify the module and lecture parameters for such commands, the navigation system allows you to specify a current working context instead.

Type of contexts

  • Root context: The default and top-most context.
  • Module context: Represents a specified module.
  • Lecture context: Represents a specified lecture that belongs to a specified module.

Two Ways of Navigating

You can specify a current working context by navigating.

  • There are two ways of navigating - relatively or directly.

For example, you can navigate to the lecture context - lecture “Week 1” of the module “CS2040S” by

  • Navigating relatively from the root context

    1. Navigate to the module context from the root context.

      nav CS2040S

    2. Navigate to the lecture context from the module context.

      nav Week 1

  • Navigating directly from any context

    1. Navigate directly to the lecture “Week 1” of the module “CS2040S”.

      nav /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1

After navigating to a lecture or module context, the navigation system will inject the required module and lecture parameters (i.e. /mod CS2040S, /lec Week 1) into commands so you don’t have to!

Here are some examples of how the navigation system injects the necessary context-related parameters into your commands:

  1. Add “Video 2” to the lecture “Week 1” of module “CS2040S”.

    add Video 2 -> add Video 2 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1

  2. List the videos of lecture “Week 1” of module “CS2040S”.

    list -> list /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1

  3. Add “Video 1” to lecture “Week 1” of module “CS2040S”.

    add Video 1 /lec Week 1 -> add Video 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1

Specifying Your Own Context In Commands

To specify your own context for a command without any injection, you can use the /r, /mod, /lec arguments in your commands.

The following can be performed at any current working context

  • Including the /r argument will perform a command from the root context.
    • e.g. List all modules at the root context.

      list /r -> list

  • Including the /mod argument will perform a command from the module context.
    • e.g. Add lecture “Week 10” for module “CS2040S”.

      add Week 10 /mod CS2040S -> add Week 10 /mod CS2040S (No injection)

  • Including the /mod and /lec arguments will perform a command from the lecture context.
    • e.g. Add video “BST Challenge” for lecture “Week 5” of module “CS2040S”.

      add BST Challenge /mod CS2040S /lec Week 5 -> add BST Challenge /mod CS2040S /lec Week 5 (No injection)

To make it easier to specify a lecture context which shares the same module code as your current working context, the /mod prefix can be injected when only the /lec prefix is specified.

  • e.g. List videos of lecture “Week 5” of module “CS2040S”.

list /lec Week 5 -> list /mod CS2040S /lec Week 5

  • Note that the lecture week is different from the current working context and that only the /mod prefix has been injected into the command input.

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Command Manual

:information_source: The matching of values is case sensitive unless otherwise stated. For example, the lecture names “Week 1” and “week 1” are not the same.

:information_source: If an argument value requires a specific format, click the argument value placeholder beside the argument description to go to the section containing the format.

nav Navigate to the root context from any context.

nav {module_code}

Navigates from the root context to a module context.

  • module_code : The code of the module to navigate to
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker

nav {lecture_name}

Navigates from a module context to a lecture context.

  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture to navigate to
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module of the current working context

nav /mod {module_code} [/lec {lecture_name}]

Navigates directly to the specified module or lecture context.

  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture to navigate to
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code


Navigates backwards to a higher context unless already at root context.

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:information_source: Items are listed in an alphabetical order sorted by module_code for Module, lecture_name for Lecture and video_name for Video.

List Modules


When in a module or lecture context, the navigation system will inject the /mod and /lec arguments transforming the user’s command into the command specified in List Lectures or List Videos (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

List Lectures

list /mod {module_code}

Lists all lectures of a module.

  • module_code : The code of the module to list the lectures from.
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • list /mod CS2040S
    lists lectures belonging to module "CS2040S"

List Videos

list /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name}

Lists all videos of a lecture in a module.

  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the specified module_code
  • list /mod CS2040 /lec Week 1
    lists videos in lecture "Week 1" belonging to module "CS2040S"

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:exclamation: This is a case insensitive search and matches a target that starts with the search term.

Type Data Keyword Matched
ModuleCode [CS2040S, CS2103, ST2334, MA2001] cs21 [CS2103]
LectureName [Week 1, Week 2, Week 3] week [Week 1, Week 2, Week 3]
VideoName [Video 1, Video 2, Some video] video 1, some [Video 1, Some video]

Find Modules

find {keywords} [/byTag]

Find all modules whose code starts with any of the keyword(s).

  • /byTag : If specified, the list filters for modules whose tag list contains any tag that starts with any of the keyword(s)

When in a module or lecture context, the navigation system will inject the /mod and /lec arguments transforming the user’s command into the command specified in Find Lectures or Find Videos (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

  • Assuming only a module "CS2040S" has tags ["heavy", "math"],
    find heav /byTag
    will list modules ["CS2040S"].

Find Lectures

find {keywords} /mod {module_code} [/byTag]

Find all lectures in a specified module whose name starts with any of the keyword(s).

  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • /byTag : If specified, the list filters for lectures in a specified module whose tag list contains any tag that starts with any of the keyword(s)
  • find week 1, week 2 /mod CS2040S
    will list lectures ["Week 1", "Week 2"] of module "CS2040S".
  • find intro, array /mod CS2040S /byTag
    will list lectures belonging to module "CS2040S" with tags containing "intro" or "array".

Find Videos

find {keywords} /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name} [/byTag]

Find all videos in a specified lecture in a specified module whose name starts with any of the keyword(s).

  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the specified module_code
  • /byTag : If specified, the list filters for videos in a specified lecture in a specified module whose tag list contains any tag that starts with any of the keyword(s)
  • find vid1, vid2 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 2
    will list videos ["Vid1", "Vid2"] in lecture Week 2 of module "CS2040S".
  • find content /mod CS2040S /lec Week 2 /byTag
    will list videos belonging to lecture "Week 2" of module "CS2040S" with tags containing "content".

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Add a Module

add {module_code} [/name {name}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]]

Add a module to Le Tracker.

  • module_code : The code of the module
    • Must be unique among the module code of the modules in Le Tracker
  • module_name : The name of the module
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags to apply to the module
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
  • add CS2040S /name Data Structures and Algorithms /tags Heavy, Math, Analysis
    Add a module with code "CS2040S" to Le Tracker. The module is named "Data Structures and Algorithms" and has tags "Heavy", "Math", and "Analysis".

When in a module or lecture context, the navigation system will inject the /mod and /lec arguments transforming the user’s command into the command specified in Add a Lecture or Add a Video (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

Add a Lecture

add {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]]

Add a lecture to a module.

  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture
    • Must be unique among the names of the lectures belonging to the module specified in module_code
  • module_code : The code of the module to add the lecture to
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags to apply to the lecture
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
  • add Week 1 /mod CS2040S /tags Intro, Important
    Add a lecture named "Week 1" to the module with code "CS2040S". The lecture has tags "Intro" and "Important".

Add a Video

add {video_name} /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name} [/timestamp {timestamp}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]] [/watch]

Add a video to a lecture.

  • video_name : The name of the video
    • Must be unique among the names of the videos belonging to the lecture specified in lecture_name
  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture to add the video to
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code
  • timestamp : The timestamp of the video where the user last stopped watching at
    • Defaults to 00:00:00 if the /timestamp argument is not specified
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags to apply to the video
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
  • /watch : If specified, the video will be marked as “watched”, else, it will be marked as “not watched”
  • add Video 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /timestamp 01:04:20 /tags Intro, Short /watch
    Add a video named "Video 1" to the lecture named "Week 1" which belongs to the module with code "CS2040S". The video has timestamp "01:04:20" and has tags "Intro" and "Short". The video is also marked as watched.

When in a module or lecture context, the /mod argument will be injected if only the /mod argument is omitted in the original command (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

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Edit a Module

edit {module_code} [/code {updated_code}] [/name {updated_name}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]]

Edit the details of a module.

  • module_code : The code of the module to be edited
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • updated_code : The updated module code
    • Must be unique among the module code of the modules in Le Tracker
  • updated_name : The updated module name
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags that will replace the current tags applied to the module
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
  • edit CS2040S /code CS2040 /name DSAG /tags Heavy, Math, Analysis
    Edit the module with code "CS2040S". The module's code is updated to "CS2040", it's name updated to "DSAG" and it's tags are updated to "Heavy", "Math" and "Analysis".

When in a module or lecture context, the navigation system will inject the /mod and /lec arguments transforming the user’s command into the command specified in Edit a Lecture or Edit a Video (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

Edit a Lecture

edit {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} [/name {updated_name}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]]

Edit the details of a lecture.

  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture to be edited
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code
  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • updated_name : The updated lecture name
    • Must be unique among the names of the lectures belonging to the module specified in module_code
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags that will replace the current tags applied to the lecture
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
  • edit Week 1 /mod CS2040S /name Week 01 Introduction /tags Intro, Important
    Edit the lecture named "Week 1" in the module with code "CS2040S". The lecture's name is updated to "Week 01 Introduction" and it's tags are updated to "Intro" and "Important".

Edit a Video

edit {video_name} /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name} [/name {updated_name}] [/timestamp {updated_timestamp}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]] [/watch] [/unwatch]

Edit the details of a video.

  • video_name : The name of the video to be edited
    • Must belong to an existing video in the lecture specified in lecture_name
  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture that contains the video specified in video_name
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code
  • updated_name : The updated video name
    • Must be unique among the names of the videos belonging to the lecture specified in lecture_name
  • updated_timestamp : The updated timestamp of the video where the user last stopped watching at
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags that will replace the current tags applied to the lecture
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
  • /watch : If specified, the video will be marked as “watched”
    • If this argument is specified, then /unwatch should not be specified
  • /unwatch : If specified, the video will be marked as “not watched”
    • If this argument is specified, then /watch should not be specified
  • edit Video 1 /mod CS2040S /lec Week 1 /name Video 01 Grade Breakdown /timestamp 01:04:20 /tags Intro, Short /watch
    Edit the video named "Video 1" in the lecture named "Week 1" which belongs to the module with code "CS2040S". The video's name is updated to "Video 01 Grade Breakdown", it's timestamp updated to "01:04:20" and it's tags are updated to "Intro" and "Short". The video is also marked as watched.

When in a module or lecture context, the /mod argument will be injected if only the /mod argument is omitted in the original command (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

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Delete Module

delete {module_code_1}[, {module_code_2}[, {module_code_3}[, ...]]]

Deletes the specified module(s) and all its embodied content from the application.

  • delete CS2040
    deletes "CS2040" module
  • delete CS2040, ST2334
    deletes "CS2040" and "ST2334" modules

When in a module or lecture context, the navigation system will automatically inject the /mod and /lec arguments transforming the user’s command into the command specified in Delete Lecture or Delete Video (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

Delete Lecture

delete {lecture_name_1}[, {lecture_name_2}[, {lecture_name_3}[, ...]]] /mod {module_code}

Deletes the specified lecture(s) and all its embodied content from the same specified module.

  • lecture_name_1, lecture_name_2, lecture_name_3, ...: The names of lectures
    • Must belong to existing lectures in the module specified in module_code
    • Must not contain duplicates
  • module_code: The code of module that contains the lectures specified by the names of lectures
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • delete lecture 1 /mod CS2040
    deletes "lecture 1" lecture found in module "CS2040"
  • delete lecture 1, lecture 2 /mod ST2334
    deletes "lecture 1" and "lecture 2" lectures found in module "ST2334"

Delete Video

delete {video_name_1}[, {video_name_2}[, {video_name_3}[, ...]]] /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name}

Deletes the specified video(s) and all its embodied content from the same specified lecture of the specified module.

  • video_name_1, video_name_2, video_name_3, ...: The names of videos
    • Must belong to existing videos in the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must not contain duplicates
  • module_code: The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • lecture_name: The name of the lecture that contains the videos specified by the names of videos
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code
  • delete video 3 /mod CS2040 /lec lecture 1
    deletes "video 3" from lecture "lecture 1" of module "CS2040"
  • delete video 1, video 3 /mod CS2040 /lec lecture 1
    deletes "video 1" and "video 3" from lecture "lecture 1" of module "CS2040"

When in a module or lecture context, the /mod argument will be injected if only the /mod argument is omitted in the original command (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

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Mark or Unmark

mark {video_name_1}[, {video_name_2}[, {video_name_3}[, ...]]] /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name}

Marks video(s) as watched in lecture of its specified module.

unmark {video_name_1}[, {video_name_2}[, {video_name_3}[, ...]]] /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name}

Marks video(s) as unwatched in a lecture of its specified module.

  • video_name_1, video_name_2, video_name_3, ...: The names of videos
    • Must belong to existing videos in the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must not contain duplicates
    • For mark, must not already be marked
    • For unmark for 1 video, must not already be marked as unwatched
  • module_code: The code of the module
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • lecture_name: The name of the lecture
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code
  • mark Vid 1 /mod CS2040 /lec Week 1
    marks "Vid 1" in "Week 1" lecture of "CS2040" module as watched
  • mark Vid 1, Vid 2 /mod CS2040 /lec Week 1
    marks "Vid 1" and "Vid 2" in lecture of "Week 1" of "CS2040" module as watched
  • unmark Vid 2 /mod CS2040 /lec Week 1
    marks "Vid 2" in lecture "Week 1" of module "CS2040" as unwatched
  • unmark Vid 1, Vid 2 /mod CS2040 /lec Week 1
    marks "Vid 1" and "Vid 2" in lecture "Week 1" of "CS2040" module as unwatched

When in a module or lecture context, the /mod argument will be injected if only the /mod argument is omitted in the original command (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

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Tag a Module

tag {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]

Tag a specified module.

  • module_code : The code of the module
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags to be applied to the module
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
    • Tags that were already applied to the module (if any) will be ignored
  • tag EG2310 /tags fun, hard
    Tag the module "EG2310" with the tags "fun" and "hard"

When in a module or lecture context, the navigation system will inject the /mod and /lec arguments transforming the user’s command into the command specified in Tag a Lecture or Tag a Video (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

Tag a Lecture

tag {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]

Tag a specified lecture.

  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code
  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags to be applied to the lecture
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
    • Tags that were already applied to the lecture (if any) will be ignored
  • tag Lecture_1 /mod CS2040 /tags Yay
    Tag the lecture "Lecture_1" of module "CS2040" with the tag "Yay"

Tag a Video

tag {video_name} /lec {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]

Tag a specified video.

  • video_name : The name of the video
    • Must belong to an existing video in the lecture specified in lecture_name
  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture that contains the video specified in video_name
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code
  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags to be applied to the video
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
    • Tags that were already applied to the video (if any) will be ignored
  • tag Video_1 /lec Lecture_1 /mod CS2040 /tags Yay
    Tag the video "Video_1" of lecture "Lecture_1" in module "CS2040" with the tag "Yay"

When in a module or lecture context, the /mod argument will be injected if only the /mod argument is omitted in the original command (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

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Untag a Module

untag {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]

Remove specified tags from a module.

  • module_code : The code of the module
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags to be removed from the module
    • Must belong to existing tags in the module specified by module_code
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
  • untag EG2310 /tags fun, hard
    Remove the tags "fun" and "hard" from module "EG2310"

When in a module or lecture context, the navigation system will inject the /mod and /lec arguments transforming the user’s command into the command specified in Untag a Lecture or Untag a Video (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

Untag a Lecture

untag {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]

Remove specified tags from a lecture.

  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code
  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags to be removed from the lecture
    • Must belong to existing tags in the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
  • untag Lecture_1 /mod CS2040 /tags Yay
    Remove the tag "Yay" from lecture "Lecture_1" of module "CS2040"

Untag a Video

untag {video_name} /lec {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]

Remove specified tags from a video.

  • video_name : The name of the video
    • Must belong to an existing video in the lecture specified in lecture_name
  • lecture_name : The name of the lecture that contains the video specified in video_name
    • Must belong to an existing lecture in the module specified in module_code
  • module_code : The code of the module that contains the lecture specified in lecture_name
    • Must belong to an existing module in Le Tracker
  • tag_1, tag_2, ... : The tags to be removed from the video
    • Must belong to existing tags in the video specified in video_name
    • Repeated tags (if any) will be ignored
  • untag Video_1 /lec Lecture_1 /mod CS2040 /tags Yay
    Remove the tag "Yay" from video "Video_1" of lecture "Lecture_1" in module "CS2040"

When in a module or lecture context, the /mod argument will be injected if only the /mod argument is omitted in the original command (refer to Navigation Injection for more information).

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export {file_path} [/overwrite]

Export all module data to a file.

  • file_path : The path of the file
    • User must have writing permission to file_path
    • If /overwrite is not specified, the file specified in file_path must not exist
    • Must be relative to Le Tracker’s default saving directory (:exclamation:The default saving directory is {JAR_file_location}/data)
    • Must not coincide with Le Tracker’s current tracker file path. (:exclamation:The default tracker file path is {JAR_file_location}/data/letracker.json)
  • /overwrite : If specified, Le Tracker will overwrite all data in file_path if it exists
    • If the file specified in file_path doesn’t exist, the flag /overwrite will be ignored
  • export hello.json
    Export all modules in tracker to the file hello.json in the default directory
  • export /../../haha.json /overwrite
    Export all modules in tracker to the file path /../../haha.json, overwriting its content

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import {file_path} [/mod {module_code_1}[, {module_code_2}[, {module_code_3}[, ...]]]] [/overwrite]

Import data from a specified file path to the current tracker.

  • file_path : The path of the file
    • User must have read permission of the file in file_path
    • Must be a valid Le Tracker data file
    • Must be relative to Le Tracker’s default saving directory (:exclamation:The default saving directory is {JAR_file_location}/data)
    • The file specified in file_path must exist. (:exclamation:If only the file’s name is specified, the file must exist in the default saving directory at {JAR_file_location}/data)
  • /mod : If specified, Le Tracker will only import progress from the modules specified in {module_code_1}[, {module_code_2}[, {module_code_3}[, ...]]]
    • If specified, {module_code_1}[, {module_code_2}[, {module_code_3}[, ...]]] must also be specified
    • If unspecified, Le Tracker will import progress of all modules in the file specified in file_path
  • module_code_1, module_code_2, module_code_3, ... : The modules to import from file_path
    • If /overwrite is not specified, module_code_1, module_code_2, module_code_3, ... must not exist in the current tracker
    • Must belong to existing modules in the file specified in file_path
    • Repeated modules (if any) will be ignored
  • /overwrite : If specified, Le Tracker will overwrite existing modules progress with the progress of the imported modules, provided they have the same code
    • If the imported modules do not exist in the current tracker, the flag /overwrite will be ignored
  • import hello.json
    Import all modules from the file hello.json in the default directory to the tracker
  • import /../../haha.json /overwrite
    Import all modules from the file path /../../haha.json, overwriting any modules that currently exists in the tracker
  • import hehe.json /mod CS2040, MA2401
    Import modules "CS2040" and "MA2401" from the file hehe.json in the default directory
  • import hihi.json /mod EG2310 /overwrite
    Import modules "EG2310" from the file hihi.json, overwriting the current progress of "EG2310" in the tracker

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Clears all data from Le Tracker.

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Exit the application.

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  • Saving the data
    Le Tracker data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

  • Editing the data file
    Le Tracker data are saved as a JSON file {JAR_file_location}/data/letracker.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.


:warning: If your changes to the tracker data file makes its format invalid, Le Tracker will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Le Tracker home folder.

Command Summary

Action Format
Navigate to the Root Context nav
Navigate from Root Context to Module Context nav {module_code}
Navigate from Module Context to Lecture Context nav {lecture_name}
Navigate Directly nav /mod {module_code} [/lec {lecture_name}]
Navigate Backwards navb
List Modules list
List Lectures list /mod {module_code}
List Videos list /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name}
Find Modules find {keywords} [/byTag]
Find Lectures find {keywords} /mod {module_code} [/byTag]
Find Videos find {keywords} /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name} [/byTag]
Add a Module add {module_code} [/name {name}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]]
Add a Lecture add {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]]
Add a Video add {video_name} /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name} [/timestamp {timestamp}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]] [/watch]
Edit a Module edit {module_code} [/code {updated_code}] [/name {updated_name}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]]
Edit a Lecture edit {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} [/name {updated_name}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]]
Edit a Video edit {video_name} /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name} [/name {updated_name}] [/timestamp {updated_timestamp}] [/tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, ...]]] [/watch] [/unwatch]
Delete Module delete {module_code_1}[, {module_code_2}[, {module_code_3}[, ...]]]
Delete Lecture delete {lecture_name_1}[, {lecture_name_2}[, {lecture_name_3}[, ...]]] /mod {module_code}
Delete Video delete {video_name_1}[, {video_name_2}[, {video_name_3}[, ...]]] /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name}
Mark Video mark {video_name_1}[, {video_name_2}[, {video_name_3}[, ...]]] /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name}
Unmark Video unmark {video_name_1}[, {video_name_2}[, {video_name_3}[, ...]]] /mod {module_code} /lec {lecture_name}
Tag a Module tag {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]
Tag a Lecture tag {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]
Tag a Video tag {video_name} /lec {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]
Untag a Module untag {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]
Untag a Lecture untag {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]
Untag a Video untag {video_name} /lec {lecture_name} /mod {module_code} /tags {tag_1}[, {tag_2}[, {tag_3}[, ...]]]
Export Data export {file_path} [/overwrite]
Import Data import {file_path} [/mod {module_code_1}[, {module_code_2}[, {module_code_3}[, ...]]]] [/overwrite]
Clear clear
Exit exit

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